Chapter 19

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Next morning when he wokedup he saw someone hugging him and when he saw that Person he kissed her forehead
"I promise those who had made you cry I am gonna make them suffer I know you don't like me but for me you are a something I haven't felt ever you make me feel like I used to be before I had feelings for Bianca but it was just normal and that doesn't effected me much but you thinking about something happening make me crazy I love you I know you don't or will you ever but I will wait" he confessed his feeling and was looking at her
Where as She was awake she listened to his each and every word and was feeling good but what was that before she was confused so she thought about asking him
"Good morning Luca" she said
"Good morning Mi Amore"
"Luca will you tell me about your past" she asked
"Yay of course but not right now" he wanted to tease her
"Huh okay when" she was okay with it
"Go on a date with me" he asked
"Wow I have never been on date sure let's go" he was amused by her
"Sure I know you love beach so we will have a beach date okay baby" he pinched her nose and she made a sad face
"Luca thankyou for not judging me and hating on me cause of my past"
"Baby it was not your fault so stop saying that okay it was there fault and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself you should be proud of yourself that you faced all these things for year and have been strong and about parents stuff I know how it feel but you know for me you are the strongest girl who faced all these but still smile with her extra tooth"
"Hey don't make fun of that or else I am not gonna go on that date"
"Sorry sorry be ready at 7 okay"
"Okay Luca wait" he waited for her and she camed and hug her
"You are a angel" she mumbled to her own self but Luca heard it He is gonna be Her angel her support he is gonna make her her forget about that dark life and give her brightness

Short chapter sorry I am busy today

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