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Double update 😂

"What the hell is he  doing here" she roared in anger the minute she saw the person she lost her mind he was the one who destroyed everything
"Princess I am here for you" he said
"I don't need you here Mr Luca Moretti so kindly go away please" she said coldly
"I am not going anywhere I am here for you I am here for us" he said and she started laughing
"Ohh but Mr Moretti where was this I was here for you when you brought a lady pregnant with your child home and didn't even camed toward me to have a conversation you ignored me and got all your focus on your future heir and about us there was never an us"
"I know I am at the fault here I lied that he is my child but I got scared listening her story the torture the marks she had on her body and it reminded me of my mother who died because of the torture" he said and tried to come close to her
"Don't come near me Mr Moretti you don't have any rights on me and about the part you got scared seeing her Mr Moretti there are plenty of women going through these kind of violence while being pregnant or being married so would you make their babies yours no na if you had wanted to help her you could have told me the truth we would have thinked of something but you decided to hide it cause you never trusted me and there was never an relation between us and top of that you ignored me made me feel like a trash who you just used for his satisfaction when you got satisfied and got the child you throwed me like a tissue but unfortunately this fling of your got pregnant with a child or should I say bastard child of yours and the Great Luca Moretti who tried to save someone else child that lady only killed my child" she finished and started crying
"It was my baby too I had also lost my baby don't you say it"
"Yours baby you lost it god if I was never kidnapped you wouldn't have got to know anything about my child and you might have a happy family with that lady and her child and you wouldn't know anything about me or my child cause I never mattered to you if I would have you would have never used me like this you betrayed me and made me feel the worst among my life ever by breaking my heart not once but twice" she said and he got shocked hearing twice
"You destroyed my life my parents don't want to talk to me because from them I had committed a huge sin but what was my fault in this when you kidnapped me and made me your fiancée forcefully I wish I never stopped hating you but the day when you told me about your past I was broken and I started getting feeling for you and it destroyed me then after our all so lovey dovey moment I fell so hard for you but I got a slap in my face by seeing a lady with you and then I got a ray of hope living with it forever loving it forever but your decision snatched that for me too you are responsible for my baby not being here please go away from here be with your so called baby I don't give a fuck about it I feel nauseous seeing you here go away" she said and he lost it she was saying that he was responsible for their baby death
"I am not going anywhere Vanshika I loved you I love you and always will love you only"
"You loved me what a joke you never loved me Mr Moretti it was just an obsession you had with me to claim me which you did you succeeded in your plan of course you also lusted over my body like everyone but please go away please go go" she started saying this and got a panic attack doctor immediately came there and started checking her she fainted by shouting and crying like this Luca camed out of the room thinking about her words she referred him as the killer of their child she questioned his love for her she blamed him everything yes he accept everything but he can't accept that he is responsible for his child death he can't be like his sperm donor
"Did you see how she got triggered seeing you here she hate you now her mental health is very bad now she is asking me when we are going back home" Jane said
"She is not going anywhere she is gonna stay here with me"
"Do you really think she will stay here with you no she will not and what relation do you have with her" Jane questioned him
"She is my fi amm" he stopped remembering her words their is nothing between us now
"Jane what the hell is he still doing here tell him to go away I hate him please tell him to go away" she started crying loudly inside the room
"Luca go away please right now for god sake her health is not well" she said and went inside the room and Luca went out of the hospital and he immediately went to a place where he used to go every month

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