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"Luca wait I am gonna come with you" Vanshika said
"What you wanna come with me" he asked
"Yea remember Bianca made me the godmother of the baby and I can't miss it and I wanna see her too" she said "Luca I know you don't want to take me with you but please I wanna see her and her baby" she pleaded and Luca agreed to it
"Okay I am gonna pick you in 1 hour do your packing's and stuff okay sweetheart" he said and she nodded she reached her home and saw no sign of Jane so she wrote a letter to her telling her that she is going to Italy with Luca for Bianca child birth
While packing she was getting cold feet about the idea of going back there where she lost a thing which was precious to her but she erased it cause she wanted to focus on the baby coming in this world she was getting ready her phone beeped she saw Luca calling her she picked and said I am coming she sat down on the car and they went toward his private jet they sat there and she started seeing the sky ignoring all the things going inside her mind
After few hours they reached Italy she was feeling weird coming back here
"Do you wanna go home first or hospital" he asked
"Hospital I am here for that only" she said and went inside the car observing the road soon they reached his hospital she got panic seeing the hospital but she try to control her mind was triggering her those memories of her but she went inside when everyone saw her they were shocked seeing her here Aurora hugged her And Alessandro hugged her too
"Can I meet Bi please" she pleaded and he nodded she hurriedly went inside and saw her
"Hey Bi" she said Bianca was shock seeing her here "Is it really you you are back here" she said and started crying and she hugged her
"Yes how could I miss the birth of my god child" she said and they were talking then doctor came inside the room and said it's time for baby to come out she went out and she send an scared Alessandro inside the room to support his wife
For next 20 minutes all the people waiting there can listen only Bianca scream and cry but then they suddenly heard a baby cry all of them smiled to each other Luca instantly went inside the room to see his nephew followed by Aurora and Vanshika they all looked at the baby who was so cute and small and then she went toward Bianca who was sleeping and hugged her She was trying to control herself but she wasn't able to when she saw everyone is busy with the baby she went outside the room and started walking out of the hospital and sat under a tree the memory the things which were triggering her came back to her and she started crying by putting a hand on her stomach cursing herself
"God why did you did this to me why you snatched a bundle of joy coming toward me why I had always respected you why Ganpati Bappa why I am alone I was having someone to be my family but you snatched him and made it effect me so badly I try to smile but I can't I can't act forever like nothing happened it's killing me daily I can't deal with this god please take me with you so I can live with my baby I don't wanna live I can't smile all I wanna do is cry or either kill myself" she continued her crying
Inside the hospital
"What are you guys gonna name him" Aurora asked
"Amm we don't have anything decided but yes they are few names we like I was hoping you guys can help me" Bianca said
"Hey where is Vanshika she was not there also when I waked up" Luca scanned towards the room and didn't find her
"I am gonna go and find her okay you rest" he said and started searching for her in hospital but didn't saw her he went outside the hospital and then he heard a person crying he went near that person and saw her crying putting a hand on her stomach

This was the most saddest thing I have ever written she was getting triggered but she control it but after seeing the baby she couldn't control her emotions Idk if you find her weak but according to me she is strong she managed herself all alone didn't cry infront of anyone

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