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They reached the hospital Luca tooked her in his arm and runned toward the operation theatre
"Doctor see her now or else I am gonna do something bad" he roared they immediately started her operation and here Luca was scared as hell what if she leave him like her mother he won't want this he was praying continuously for her he was lost in his thoughts then his family arrived there
"Luca what happened I heard you killed that bitch Naomi" Aurora said
"Was it true she was using us for her benefit" Alessandro asked
"What about Lucas now his mother is not alive now" Bianca asked
"Yes Luca killed her cause she kidnapped Vanshika for getting the property she wanted by knowing Luca will scarified everything for her and about Lucas he was not Lucas child now that bitch is dead I can say she lied to him that this is yours step brother child yes she was his wife but this was her lover Alexander child and her husband got to know about this so he started torturing her and she camed here" Marco said as he knew everything and he knew Luca is stressed right now and he can't say anything
"Vanshika she was kidnapped by that bitch shit I have to call Jane here she was stressed about her but is she okay" Aurora asked
"We don't know she is currently being operated but we can pray for her and please take care of him guys I have to go and see this stuff take care" he said and hugged Luca and went away
"Luca are you okay" Alessandro asked seeing his brother this weak
"Huh you think I am okay I am not I don't want her to leave me like mom I am Afraid what if she can't make it through I will die in the guilt because of my stupid self I lost" he said and started crying Alessandro saw his brother this weak after their mother death he hugged him Aurora soon joined her brother
After 1 hour
They were sitting impatiently waiting for some update about her health then the doctor camed there
"What happened doctor is she fine tell me something god dammit" Luca said angrily
"Mr Moretti I know you are stressed about Miss Kohli but you have to control your anger there is one good news and a bad news which one would you like to hear Mr Moretti" doctor asked
"Good news" Luca said
"She is fine but currently she is in coma I don't know when she will wakeup but yes it's good that she is alive the gun hitted her abdomen area"
"If she is alive then what is the bad news"
"Mr Moretti she lost her child it was around 2 month old sorry for your loss" the doctor said
"What did you said child 2 month" Luca asked
"Yes Mr Moretti Miss Kohli was pregnant with a embryo around 2 months old hope you stay strong" doctor said and left from there
"Pregnant 2 month lost baby" he chuckled
"Luca calm down please" Alessandro said
"How can I calm down when the women I love here is dying and we lost a part of us how can I stay calm when I heard this I lost my heir my blood my child I can't my baby is no more"
"Luca please brother cool down" Aurora said
"I can't I can't the words her getting shooted everything is running in my words Aurora you haven't lost the child nor Sandro you did and you expect me to calm down" Luca finished his word but a slap met his face Bianca slapped him
"Yes you lost a child but did you know about it no na you should be strong for Vanshika who might be planning so much for the baby but hear you are crying like a coward you left her you betrayed her by saying Lucas is your baby she was heartbroken and you will have not ever gone to her and might have started your new life with Naomi and Lucas but she kidnapped her Luca don't be selfish and think about everything" she said and Alessandro hugged her
"Luca Bianca is right think about Vanshika come let's go home" he said and they both left living Luca in deep thinking if he had told her the truth she would have never left him and their child might have been alive

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