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2 months later :
Everything was going perfect Alessandro and Bianca baby Alexander was growing everyday and everyone was loving Alex more Aurora and Marco are dating each other secretly but this secret is only known by Vanshika not to Luca cause we all know if he get to know about it he will kill Marco for dating his baby sis and Jane her friend who was there for her is getting married this week with her fiancée And talking about our Mains Luca and Vanshika they both are attached to each other like magnets in these 2 months Luca have taught her to fight and stuff where she is crying cursing him both in bed and in the training room for being to rough on her well she like rough on one place but on other but as he say "I lost my control when I am with you Bambina" and she laughed at this but yes he pampered her too right now she was in London again for Jane wedding and Luca was in Mexico for his work
"Ah is this dress right is this makeup looking right I don't look ugly right" Jane cried about since 10 time
"Jane Shutup you are looking damn perfect you know that and Adam has seen you without makeup too so don't worry he is not gonna leave you so cheer up little bitch you are getting hitched and let me go and get myself ready for your wedding" she said
"You don't understand I am having a panic attack what if I fart infront of people or this dress get torn oh my god people will laugh at me" she cried
"Nothing will happen okay relax I am there for you" she kissed her forehead and said I am coming after getting ready she went toward her room and picked her dress and putted it and started doing her makeup but suddenly someone holded her waist and she smiled by recognition of his fragrance she faced him and he attacked her lips after assaulting her lips he just looked at her
" I thought you weren't coming" she said
"Yes I thought that too but then I remembered his friend with whom you was on a double date so I couldn't leave my girl here alone" he said and she laughed
"It was just a friendly dinner Luca and you know I love you that's why I am with you not with him"
"Yes I know but the looks he was giving you made me wanted to murder him" he said and she rolled her eyes "How was Mexico" she asked "Good" he replied but then his hand went inside her panties which were already wet and he started fingering her "Oh baby you missed me so much that by just seeing me you are soaking wet" he said and thrusted one more finger "Luca aaaa stop we have a wedding to attend we will have fun later after the wedding" she said and he stopped
"Okay after the wedding you are not leaving this room for tonight cause my dick missed your sweet little vagina so much that I can't tell you what he has planned for it" it made her turned on immediately but she controlled and began doing her makeup while Luca was touching her body or playing with her hair she was cursing him for being such a tease but she controlled after finishing her makeup she give him and peck and went toward Jane room and when she saw her Jane immediately laughed
"What" she asked "You are so red is Luca here"
"How do you know about this and I am not red it's just my blush you know"
"Oh baby I know what blush it is I know your guy is here but don't you dare leave my wedding or else I am gonna fucking kill you" Jane threatened her
"No no I am not" she said and then Jane father came there saying it's time to go and she holded her father hand Vanshika was bit sad seeing parents loving a child so much where her parents never loved her but she knew she has an family which she could never have and she is happy with them

1 more chapter left and a epilogue for this story to end

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