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After the wedding was finished She went inside her room and she was immediately pressed to the walls of the room and was slammed by lips while kissing he was pressing her boobs but the moment was stopped by her phone ringing she picked her phone up and smiled and looked at Luca who was pissed at there moment getting destroyed like this after ending her call she went toward him and putted her hands between his neck and said "Pack your bags we are leaving for Switzerland" she said and started packing her bag Luca was surprised at this sudden trip
"Why Switzerland" he asked
"For a vacation dumbo come on baby please" she said with a puppy eye and he immediately melted in those small and deep as a ocean black eyes and started packing
"You have to pay me for this Sweetheart" he said and she nodded and after sometime they left from hotel and she ordered a cab and they went to a train station and he was confused why were they going by a train when they can easily take a flight "why the hell are we taking a train" he asked and she snorted "agh Luca it's gonna be a beautiful journey from train rather than going for a flight come please" she said and their train arrived they both went toward their seats she tooked a window seat and he satted next to her in the whole journey she was enjoying beauty of outside but Luca was enjoying her own beauty after some hours later they reach their destination and then he departed to a destination while on the way she was fixing her makeup her hair and stuff when they reached the location he saw his whole family there which was shocking for him but he didn't saw Vanshika there and got confused where she had gone but after few minutes his family member came one by one and hugged him which was confusing for him but after few seconds they asked him to turn around and when he turned around he saw her in her knees holding a ring for him
"Luca Moretti I know our story is not good I know our start was so weird you got obsessed with me and kidnapped me and for your one sided love you and me got engaged but you know how much I hated you at that time but then something happened you were their for me at that moment I started feeling for you and you remember our date to that beach where you told me about your past it was the moment I admitted that I have feeling for you in my mind our story was going perfect but something happened and we lost someone and I tried to hate you but I couldn't cause you are the only guy I have ever loved while and he with love forever I wanna grow old with you have pair of dogs with you and be with you forever as your support system so Luca Moretti this heels is killing me so please answer quickly will you please marry me" she finished and he said yes and she made him wore the ring he immediately picked her up and kissed her everyone was clapping for this but Marco did something which made Luca shocked he freaking kissed his sister he made his ways toward him but Vanshika came between them and said "Luca don't I know about them and you can't do this to them they love each other" she said and he went away from there she followed him and saw him sitting in a bench she went toward him
"Hey fiancé for real this time" she said and laughed
"Why didn't you told me ever about this"
"Cause I know you are an ass that's the reason why I never told" she said " but I want you to apologise to them okay" he nodded it at
"Sure my future wife I can't make you angry cause you know the quote happy wife happy life" he said
"Well you have a ring but I don't have a ring so sad" she said and he removed his necklace and she saw the ring which she had he immediately made her wear that
"I want a Indian style wedding" she said
"Anything else" he asked
"I want a red lehenga and you with a golden sherwani on our wedding"
"Sure sure btw I love you Vanshika"
"I love you too Luca

The end

Epilogue is gonna come soon

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