Chapter 21

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"Luca if you don't wanna tell about it don't worry I don't have any problem with it" she said with a smile
"Once my family was perfect my dad and mom used to love each other a lot and they used to love Sandro and me to no extent I was around 3/4 when we got the news that we are getting a sibling my dad never wanted a girl he always wanted a boy but then when he got to know it is a girl he mentally tortured mom to abort her but mom said no she will not abort her then suddenly my dad got weird he started beating mom and us and then started having extra martial affair with women's cause we were rich so you know women's didn't had problem with it but my mom mental health and physical health was getting worse the day Aurora was born he came to hospital saying he is gonna kill her if Sandro and me don't start working like his slave we were scared but we have to do it for mom and our sister so we agreed we had hidden Aurora for him and we never left her alone if he had catched her alone god know what the hell he will do then suddenly after 1 year and half my mom got pregnant again but my asshole father bought her fling home stating she is having her heir in her womb when my mom asked about us he said we are bastard to him" I wiped the tears escaping for his eyes he was so young and he had faced all these shit
"Then my mom slapped him but the thing he did next was unexpected he pushed her and started beating her with belt she was weak very weak we were crying seeing this but we couldn't do anything we were scared and then when he stopped and left we went to our mom and she just said "Sandro And luc promise me you will save your sister at any cost you won't let anything happen to her and Sandro my baby if you both ever fell in love please never break her heart like your father did and I love you my babies" after saying that she left us our sibling died too but that man and his flings never stop bothering us they used to taunt us beat us but one day I saw something my father was trying to hit Aurora I just lost my mind and I saw a gun there and shot him then his bitch came there and she was shocked I said if you love your life go away from us and never come back and she instantly runned away Sandro was out when this happened when he came back he got shocked but he was happy with what I did with that sperm donor of us after that die I joined my mafia and started killing people for fun" he said I hugged him
"You know you are a strong man your father was a bastard you gived him a correct punishment by killing him about your mother I am sorry I felt so bad after hearing your bastard of dad deed but hey that women was pregnant na what happened to her" I was curious about that
"She married a rich businessman and aborted dad baby"
"Eww what a bitch that home wrecker is" he laughed at it so I started tickling him and then I runned away from him but he was so strong damn he catched me and then suddenly our chest got collided but god know what happened to me I captured his lips in slow and passionate kiss

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