Chapter 6

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Third person Pov :
The person was thinking Why the hell their boss is getting interested in this girl she doesn't come out of her house she just come outside either to take any parcel or food delivery or going in walk with her dog .
But today he saw that girl was grouped by gang of 6 boy and she was scared  He had to rescue her and tell this to his boss immediately that she was grouped and was scared or either he is gonna die

Luca Pov :

"Rory what the hell are you doing with this photo "
This sister of mine she has stolen the photo

"Who is she and why do you have her photos with you "

"Ammm " what should I say to her

"Oh oh I got it she is the girl who has gotten your annoying ass smiley  crazy pretty chick but hey not more than me I am more beautiful still "

"Shut up you idiot stop being so self obsessed by the way when are Sandro and Bianca coming back "

" I don't know well your chick is quite good looking see her Instagram "

"Instagram why didn't I search for it " wow what a dumb I am

" Awe bro she is some kind of influencer showing fashion and makeup stuff and aesthetic stuff oh wow she is gonna match me I love her already we are gonna be good "

"Are you straight rory " I asked her getting annoyed

" Fuck off luca you are so dumb you didn't even know this picture are taken from her Instagram account and you are questioning my sexuality For your information I am straight "

" Listen I am sorry it's just my mood but you aren't gonna tell Sandro anything about her okay "

"Okay just buy me a BMW and a bag from Chanel then your little secret is safe with me "

Few hours after :

I was in my basement doing a job then I got a call form Sandro saying he is back and he is asking for my presence

" You are lucky today that my Brother just came back and you are gonna live a extra day you cogliona bastarda " i punched him and left the basement

"Luca My Boy " Sandro getting excited after seeing me is something new

"How are you bro how was Maldives "

"Great Right Bambina " Great she was blushing but I wasn't feeling anything suddenly my phone started vibrating but I ignored it

"Luca pick your phone it might be something urgent " I saw it and it was from the Indian man who I appointed i was like fuck why is he calling me

" Hello Capo "

"What happened if it is anything shit then I am shooting guns in your damn balls " I threatened

"Boss the girl s..he she wa..s was !"

"What happened tell me you dammit "

" she was grouped by 6 guys today " what the hell my girl was grouped and where the hell was he and he is telling me this now

" Where the hell were you when she was being grouped did you save her is she fine !fuck " I am going insane right now

" she is fine she runned away the minute I got there with her dog but boss those boys escaped me and I can't find them " Fuck she isn't safe there I have to bring her here I can't risk it

"Listen next time when she is out of her house you have to bring her here to Italy"

I can't risk anything now she has to be behind me now

"Boss but her mother is a politician "

" So what just write her a letter that her daughter is gonna be Queen of Italian mafia and throw that letter in her house and add some cash and jewellery "

I know it is weird thinking about her as Future queen but I am falling for her even more by just seeing her post on her feed

Soon baby you will be mine

Vanshika Pov :
I was extremely scared after that attack thank god that guy came and saved me or else god know what would have happen to me I am getting hella nervous but I can't let my mother know about this else she will taunt me about this too
In this house only my dogs are someone who love me unfortunately
Suddenly I remember my food is gonna come near my location but this damn delivery boy doesn't isn't getting my location so I have to go outside my house but I am feeling really weird is someone following me but before I can turn around someone placed a handkerchief over my mouth and everything goes black

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