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He reached the cemetery and and sat in front of his mother headstone and started crying
"Mom I am same as that man I hurted her feeling she said that Iii killed my child because of my stupid decision I did exactly like him she hate me now but i love her and she is not even once listening to me what should I do mom I need you and please help me" he said and cried for some more minutes and got up and went toward his home
3 days later
"Jane have you booked the tickets I wanna go away from here I can't stay here it remind me of everything" Vanshika said
"Yes you are getting discharged tomorrow and our flight is tomorrow too so don't worry" she squeezed her hand but Vanshika was thinking something else how the guy she loved betrayed her for saving someone baby by referring the baby as his
"Are you listening huh" Jane waved her hand infront of her face
"No I was thinking something but leave it it's not that important" they were chatting only then Aurora entered the room
"Vivi are you fine I heard you are getting discharge tomorrow" she asked
"Yes and I am leaving back tomorrow too" she said not knowing what she will ask her next
"Ok but are you sure you can travel in this condition" she said getting scared of her condition
"Yes I wanna leave this place as soon as possible I don't wanna remember anything that happened here but Aurora you have to promise me something you will not tell your brother about me going back to London please" she requested her
"Yes I will not I know your pain even Marco knew the truth he didn't told me I felt so betrayed by this but Luca he was with you he didn't even consoled you so I can't say anything to him no he preferred that bitch over you I know how it feel but you are strong that you managed everything I am gonna miss you but we will talk regularly and I will come to meet you too" she finished and hugged her and she hugged her back too
"I am gonna miss you too hope you and Marco sort your differences he gotted the order for his boss or else he wouldn't lied to you" she said
"I will try you should rest I am gonna take my leave bye Vanshika" she kissed her forehead and left from there
"You are advising her to forget Marco so what about you" Jane asked
"What about me"
"Will you give a Luca a chance"
"Jane about giving Luca a chance it's something else he had an opportunity to tell me the whole truth but he lied and made me feel like a trash if he ever wanted me or loved me he would have immediately try to find me and tooked me back with him but he never did that he said he loved me but it's not love he was just merely attracted toward me and had a obsession but now he is ashamed that because of all this his heir is killed so he is feeling bad but don't worry he will forget about me and have another baby with his gf or future wife" she finished
"Do you love him" Jane asked
"Yes I do I still do after what happened but we are never bound to together his life Is dangerous and the pain of betrayal is still fresh in my heart so I am not able to forgive him but I know he and me aren't meant" she said with a smile
Next day
Luca was working then he got a call he picked it up
"What wait don't let them go anywhere I am coming"

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