Chapter 5

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Luca Pov :
It's been 2 day and that bastard haven't called me to give me any information about her and here
I am loosing my calmness but to sour my mood my annoying ass sister asked me to train her cause she want herself to getting protected by her own self

"What happened to your shitty face grumpy man"

"Nothing you just focus on your training
"Oh please stop lying I know you very well since you are back from India either you are smiling or being an ass to everyone tell me what happened there that you have more mood swings then a pregnant women " this brat won't stop nagging I have to tell her or else she is gonna make me kill her

" I saw a girl there and she was really breathtaking beautiful I felt some weird kind of butterfly in my stomach after seeing her it was like a missing puzzle you know "

" oh my god oh my god my grumpyass brother is smiling thinking about a girl about who he know nothing about and she is neither from here but shame she will never get to know you "

" shut up Aurora you are annoying me I will break Marco and your face if you both don't stop laughing at me like a brat "

" fine fine lover boy hope that you find that mystery girl " 
I hope that too I want her now it's either obsession or I have fallen over her I don't believe in love at first sight but she was different

2 day later :

I had just came back home after killing that whosoever  have destroyed our warehouse and my phone was vibrating continuously and the name I saw made my mood so damn good i immediately took the call it was from that Indian branch

"Hey boss you needed the details of that girl I have mailed you everything but why do you need her has she done something to you or did her parent did I know her mother is a politician if she has tell me I will kill her daughter myself this politician don't know anything " this ass how can he say something about this not even knowing anything

" No she hasn't done anything and you just have one job protect that girl you have to follow her everywhere she goes and give me every detail about what she do and if you can't do it I will kill you myself understand "
" Yes boss " he was threatened by my threat but i can't do anything
Let's see the details about her now

" No she hasn't done anything and you just have one job protect that girl you have to follow her everywhere she goes and give me every detail about what she do and if you can't do it I will kill you myself understand "" Yes boss " he was threatene...

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Okay so her name is Vanshika what a cute name for a doll like her she is just 20 there will be 5 year age difference between us but I don't mind about it cause she is crushing on man older than celebrity or what

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Okay so her name is Vanshika what a cute name for a doll like her
she is just 20 there will be 5 year age difference between us but I don't mind about it cause she is crushing on man older than celebrity or what

she is just 5'1 and I am 6'0 It's gonna be cute definitely damn cute I can lift her easily
I have to bring here soon I know it's bad but I can't stop myself its like it's like I am living my life
but I have to observe few thing about her what here habit are so she won't face a complication here

Vanshika Pov :

This ass Advik he is continuously messaging me and blackmailing me I can't do anything rather then blocking him I am fed up of this My life suck why I was in a relationship with this jerk it's such an toxic relationship
I cursed that day when I said yes to him because he was of popular gang of our school and my first normal human crush was the member I thought that dating this idiot will bring me close to my crush and make me happy but all it make me sad what a dumbass I am
I can't do anything I was just having a walk with my dog that I got a weird feeling like someone is following me this stupid Advik and gang are following me even I have to run with my dog Puto

I started running but this people are in car and I know they can hurt my baby with them that's the reason I had to carry her and run I am not much of athlete but I have to safe myself but unfortunately this idiot grouped me please god save me
" Baby why the fuck are you ignoring me you slut huh got yourself a new boy toy or playing this dog "
I hate this asshole and his group so much he was about to hit me like old time and hurt my baby but god listened to my prayer and someone came and started to beat him like he is a toy this was my chance I runned away from there like Thank god for my saving me

They are gonna meet very soon ❤️

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