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"Lucaa" Vanshika said but Luca was shocked
"No no you are not Luca I know you are not him"Luca understood that she is drunk now and he can't left here he knew drunk Vanshika very well he immediately lifted her in his arms and started walking outside the pub not caring about her friends and listening to all het stupid talks she was doing  he was feeling so happy having her in his arms but he know she wasn't in her consciousness otherwise she would have never been in his arms
"You know buddy you shouldn't ever fall in love cause it just give you pain and it hurt you like it did with me" she said Luca remember everything that happened and that made him sad
"Sorry My love I will make up to you for everything I promise you" and they reached her apartment Luca tooked out the keys for her bag opened the door and made the way to her bedroom and lay her down on bed while he was covering her with duvet Vanshika got up and smashed her lip with him after few second she fell down on her bed He understood that it was a just a drunk thing of her he kissed her forehead and left for her apartment
Next morning
When Vanshika woked up her head was paining very much and she didn't even remember how the hell did she came back home but she choose to ignore this and then she saw the time shit she was late for work she immediately went to washroom and started getting ready after wasting half and hour she left for the house and reached her office and started doing her work at evening she left for her home after finishing her work when she reached her home she found a packet of medicine for her headache there she was shocked who left it here but ignored it and when she entered inside the house she saw an crazy looking Jane who god know what happened
"You bitch you know get ready you are coming with me" she said
"Where" Vanshika asked
"For a double date with me and Adam and his one friend"
"Jane no I can't I don't wanna go"
"What's your problem with this Vanshika you said you are over what so ever his name is and now you are not making a move to move on"
Vanshika thought Is she over him all she think about is him these day even she is hallucinating him
"It's not like that I am not over my sorrow of loosing a precious life" she said with a teary face
"I know it's hard but you have to that asshole might have moved on too babe so why are you struck in these okay don't think it as a date think this as dinner now please come"
"Okay I am coming"

Luca was watching her apartment when he saw her and her dumbo friend coming out and going somewhere he followed them and they stopped infornt of a restaurant and then he saw her friend kissing a guy and clinging on him like crazy then his eyes went toward her where another guy was standing and he handed her hand for handshake but she just folded her hand and did Namaste which she taught him to that guy Luca chuckled internally but then he saw her bimbo friend gesturing to her bf about these 2 something Luca was confused what the hell is she trying to do
Here Vanshika was not at all interested in neither
Derek nor on his conversation cause all he was taking is dirty talk and she was not all interested in this she just made a exuse of using washroom and went inside and started thinking how her life changed in these 6 month for being in india then being in Italy then being her in London but she felt a homely feeling in a place where she lost everything while thinking about this she retouched her lipgloss and then her phone started buzzing she was checking what was it and went outside the washroom but then she suddenly collided with someone who she didn't expected to

They are finally gonna meet 😭😩
Idk honestly what to do with these story I am literally confused right now make him grovel a little or end within 4-5 chapters

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