Chapter 20

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Vanshika Pov :
I don't know what have happened to me suddenly I told him about my past asked him to sleep with me but anyway I have to get ready I am going on a Date my officially first Date ever it's a beach date so to dress so much

Vanshika Pov : I don't know what have happened to me suddenly I told him about my past asked him to sleep with me but anyway I have to get ready I am going on a Date my officially first Date ever it's a beach date so to dress so much

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Vanshika Outfit

I wore a white crop top and a matching white skirt for accessories I only opted for a neck piece and tied my hair in bun cause I am damn sweaty i hate that  I was done get ready then suddenly Aurora camed and hug me and said
"You are looking so cute baby " I pouted at her word
"Thank you Ri but where are you going huh" i asked her
"Just somewhere I tell you later and ya please ask that ass the think we decided okay" she said while picking my footwear
"Don't worry babe i will ask him and even if he don't agree on this we can be a rebel against him"we both laughed at this and then we both camed out of my room and I saw Luca in white shirt and shorts okay he is looking good he is handsome

I wore a white crop top and a matching white skirt for accessories I only opted for a neck piece and tied my hair in bun cause I am damn sweaty i hate that  I was done get ready then suddenly Aurora camed and hug me and said "You are looking so cu...

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"Awww my babies are twinning" Aurora said and then I saw our upper wear has same colour
"So what she is mine fiancée we can match by the way where the hell are you going" he asked her and she give me "help me please" look
"Luca we are getting late let's go " i tooked his hand in mine and we started to walk away and we gotted in his car and he started playing song I started singing and he was smiling at me
"Sorry" he looked at me with shocked expression
"Why" he asked
"I Sanged a song and your ears got damaged"
"No baby your voice was magical I loved it you can Sing any time with me" I smiled at him by doing our blabbering we reached our location

               The date arrangement I was awestruck at the arrangement he made "You did all these for me it's so beautiful" I hugged him and started crying "Hey hey princess what happen why are you crying" he cupped my cheeks while asking "No one ...

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               The date arrangement
I was awestruck at the arrangement he made
"You did all these for me it's so beautiful" I hugged him and started crying
"Hey hey princess what happen why are you crying" he cupped my cheeks while asking
"No one ever did this to me I had never felt these special in my life but you did " he hugged me
"Okay no more crying do you wanna destory your makeup" he said and I nodded my head
"While I prefer without you makeup" I punched him in his arms
"Let's go and enjoy the date" i said
"Umm I have brought all your favourite things I don't know everything but I know you don't eat much but small quantity yay" he is cute he is caring then I saw the food it was biryani,dumplings,fries and Oreo ice cream
"I have cooked all these amm" i immediately runned toward him and hugged him and kissed him in his cheeks
"Thank you thank you for making me feel so special Luca" we ate the food and then he took my hand and tooked to me a location it was so beautiful he wrapped his hand around my waist
"Amm Luca can I and Aurora start training"
"Why" huh he is such an dumb
"To kick ass of man's like who kidnapped us please Luca" he thought about it and then
"Okay fine but I will train you and Marco for her" I instantly jumped and hugged him but my action was so damn fast that we both falled but he felled on ground and I feld over him I got over him and he immediately made me sit on his lap and started playing with my hand
"Amm Luca you said na you wanna talk about your past you can talk"

                      Sorry for cliffhanger 😂😂😂

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