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Luca was coming out of the hospital but he bumped with a old couple and he immediately apologised to them but the man stopped him
"Wait son" he stopped and they came near him
"What happened child why are you crying" the women asked him and Luca explained everything to them they were shocked to know about Luca being a Mafia but his story made them sad
"If you love her you should not let her go you know I had committed an mistake in past where I lost my wife at that time we were in a dating phase and it was a new relationship and my ex who was jealous of us camed between us and said she is pregnant with my child which Harmed her mentally and she left me I was shocked after hearing this but I know it's not my baby so I did all the inspection on her and exposed her for the deeds she did and she confessed she is pregnant with her boss baby but her boss was married man and he wouldn't accept her and her baby then she thought about me and ruined our relationship with her lies I was beyond shocked by her confession she said she was jealous and she didn't get that attention which I give to her and she wanted it so she used the baby as her benefits after exposing her she begged me to give the child my name but I refused cause the one I love was snatched because of her lie and I don't want that innocent soul to suffer because of this so I left her" That old man said
"How did you two patched up then" Luca asked
That old lady chuckled and said "After exposing her he directly came to my apartment and said that baby is not his belive me i only love you but I was beyond broken seeing the man I loved having a women pregnant with his child being ignored like this so I yelled at him said I don't want to be other women in your life and don't want to destroy a family but he pleaded he tried very hard but one day destiny played a game for our relationship I fainted and he immediately tooked me to hospital where I was 2 and a half month pregnant he was beyond happy but I was sad about all this then your uncle proposed me to marry him cause he can't take my bullshits more seriously and then I became his only women now after 28 years our love is still strong with our 4 children yes we had fights but our love is strong too overcome this" she said and held Luca hand
"Son I knew the pain when I came to know that but our story was different your story is different if you want your happily ever after with her don't give up on her like you are trying to do even if she push you don't give up cause if love is strong you will be together if not then it's all a part of destiny I hope you both have your happy ending" she said and kissed his both cheeks and the man hugged Luca "I didn't give up on her and see the result child be strong and prove her your love for her god bless you" he said and they both went away making Luca happy he knew he will not give up on her never Love is strong and he is gonna conquer their love by any mean cause She is his only his she is his sunshine in his dark paradise

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