Chapter -12

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Luca Pov :
After hearing Vanshika words I was honestly pissed but how the fuck does that Bella enter my house I have to kick that Bitch out
I came out and saw her sitting on the couch she saw me and came to hug me
"Luca baby I missed you" I am cringing so bad
"I am not your baby and what the hell are you doing here" I said in high tone
"I came to meet you" this girl should be put in her place once and all
"Did I call you no na so get out" at that moment Vanshika came there and I saw her smirking on me then I got an idea to stop this lady annoying me
"Hey Bella you haven't met my fiancée right" i said and she was shocked I then went toward Vanshika and I hugged her and kissed her cheeks
"This is Vanshika my fiancée"
Vanshika Pov :
This gorilla agh why the hell is he holding my waist and why the hell he have to introduce me as his fiancée infront of this Annabella
"You are his fiancée" she was shocked
"Yes unfortunately yes I am" I said and he was pissed but this Asshole did something so weird that I couldn't react he kissed me roughly before I could say something to this idiot
"You are a slut" what the hell I am gonna kill her
"Excuse me how the fuck I am a slut"
"So how you becamed his fiancée obviously you might have slept with him and gotten you pregnant or something but mind you Luca you and your brother are damn unlucky first he is bounded with that good for nothing Bianca and now you are bounded with this " before she could finish her sentence I lost it and slapped her twice on her face
"How dare you say something Bianca huh you think she is good for nothing and what about you what are you huh and you calling me a slut and the way you are behaving is giving me a statement the way they Behave I am not like you sweetie to open my legs for everyone it might be your habit but not mine and if you want Luca this much take him but yes ask him if he want you or not" I am fuming with anger right now but I have to cool myself down
"Luca do you want her" I asked
"No" he said
"So baby times up if you wouldn't have acted like that before god know this ring might be in your finger but unfortunately it's on mine so now get out of here" I said coldly and she left
After she left Luca was coming toward me but I ignored him and went with Rory and Bi in my room I can't face Luca right now

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