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It's been two week since they came back to London Vanshika has started to work as Pa for Sharma Enterprises it was good but she was missing something very important in her life
Whereas Luca completed all his work and handed Marco the responsibility to take care of everything till the time he come back he was made his mind he will her back by any hook and crook even it may take him years he is ready to sacrifice anything for her

It was raining continuously and Vanshika didn't have a umbrella and she was waiting for the rain to get over she was standing there but then she saw a man coming toward her and giving her a umbrella she was shocked
"Excuse me thankyou for this" she said and the guy nodded and left leaving her confused
Luca was happy after hearing her voice after so many day he thought that will this plan of his work perfectly but he has to follow her every step and find about stuff she do here and is she safe
Here or not
It was Friday and Jane camed toward Vanshika and hugged her tightly
"What happened why are you choking me to death" she asked
"Adam proposed to me you bitch I am engaged finally" Jane shouted
"Wow congratulation babe" she said and hugged her
"Come let's go to club to celebrate my engagement" Jane said
"Why club can't we go somewhere else"
"No we have to go to club only come on how long will you cry now come" but she was remembering the last time she went to club in Italy there all it started her getting drunk Luca taking her home the next day they having sex and then 2 month of love she thought they were having
"I will come early but okay" she said and she ageeed they both dressed up and left for the club Vanshika wasn't feeling well at all and in the club Jane went away with Adam for dance and left her all alone she started to curse herself for coming her and started drinking she was drinking the alcohol but suddenly a hand stopped her she was drunked and confused what was this

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