Chapter 2

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Vanshika Pov:
Another day gone but no change in my life still stuck in this house I have to ask my mom that I have to go out I can't stay here like jailer all my life why the hell my life is so complicated and messed up oh yes by my past actions

"Mom I wanna go out today please " I know she would taunt me again about my past and stuff she would never miss the chance to make me feel bad something I feel has this women even give birth to me or just adopted me for somewhere this much hate

"You know how to drive car or scooter or even a cycle " I nodded my head in No cause heck i am scared of driving and getting into accident because of my phobia and she love to taunt on this

"So how will you go huh and you don't even have any friend and all your cousin are busy they are not idle like you just wasting your time and our money on all these stupid think " I used to have friend but all of them were snake they just used me for their benefits I was never a part of their group whenever they want anything they would come to me and I being a dumb would give them anything that's classic dumb me .My parent well they provide me every thing I want cause mom is a famous politician here and dad is officer in steel plant. but the thing I want is freedom and love but they don't provide it ever all they do is taunt me and remind me of my past mistake

My phone buzzed with a notification by my jerk asshole ex he think I am so naive that he will fool me ever and ever again by just saying "I love you it was not my intention"
I blocked him immediately by saying "Fuck off don't ever text me or I will expose you and you bastard friend and everything you guys tried to do with me"

I called my cousin confirming if she has booked the match ticket or not atleast my jailer parent allow me to go anywhere with my cousins although they all are selfish and mean but I don't care about them I have some moment of freedom all by myself I can enjoy myself in this

2 days later :
"Fuck this traffic " I was so hella pissed on my cousin first these idiot came late and secondly the car which we were gonna use was punctured now we have to use a taxi and this man was driving so slowly and we are freaking late

"Mam I can't take you anywhere further " the taxi driver said

"What the hell why can't you take us there huh it's just 2 km journey and we are paying you full amount if you don't drop us there we will not give you a single penny "

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