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It's been more than 2 day Vanshika is there in the hospital Luca was getting scared seeing her attached to all those IV and all the equipment he was sitting there but suddenly a girl entered the room and started shouting on him
"You stay away for her it's because of you she is like this you betrayed her you lied to her you used her stay away for her she is a fragile girl you don't know what she has suffered I know this she doesn't cry infront of people but in personal you don't know what you did her you broked her heart you tarnished her soul she is just 20 and you made her pregnant well okay it's normal but do you even knew she never wanted to get a child this early she wanted a child after she turned 25 plus cause she is an immature girl and she won't be able to handle a baby but still for the love she had for you she was happy that she got a piece of you in her baby and she will live happily with him or her but why the hell I am taking to you the person who made my friend life a hell by kidnapping her making her his fiancée forcefully then used her for his own good then brought a lady pregnant with his child and didn't have a audacity to talk to her ignored her like she is not a thing for him she doesn't matter you made her feel like a trash do you even know when she called her parents after being away from you they called her names and said that she isn't their blood anymore they don't know I know she told me her family was not that good but atleast she would have been happy she would have finished her study but you I have no words for you " Jane finished her anger was on peak
"I know it's my fault that we lost our child but it was my stupidness my decision that affected us I can't say anything else to you cause the one I am answerable to is her not you so assume whatever you want but don't question our relationship" Luca finished
"Our haha you are really funny Mr Luca Moretti I know I am one No but I don't trust you with my friend so please when I am here don't be here" she finished Luca was broken by her words but still he was not gonna leave her so he decided to be outside the room but he had to go to home to change his clothes and have a bath
He reached his home and saw a baby crying his heart pained seeing the baby cried but still it reminded him of his unborn baby who couldn't make it to the world because of his parent he was thinking all these only then Alessandro camed inside his room and patted his shoulder
"I know you are thinking about Lucas but do you think he can live here in this lifestyle and do you think Vanshika will be happy seeing him here he will remind her of your betrayal her most important part her child not coming in this world because of his parent"
"So what will I do Sandro do you want Lucas to be orphaned" Luca stated
"No but I just wanna say that I know a couple who are looking for a adoption and Lucas is perfect for them if you want I can call them here"
Luca was thinking all these only but he know how stubborn Vanshika is she doesn't care about anything she can hate this poor little soul too because of her part getting away for her
"I agree call them"He said and Alessandro nodded and called Mr Smith to tell him about Lucas he was happy hearing this

After 2 week
"Vinnie get up na I have talked with Andrew of us going to meet your Crush Gabriel Guevara and I will go with you to watch India  vs Pakistan like you wanted please wake up na it's been more than 2 weeks I want you to bicker with me laugh with me please wakeup I am there for you forever Vinnie" Jane cried pleading toward her to wake up she was crying then suddenly she saw Vanshika body making a moment she called the doctor immediately they told her to be out she was praying for her and a member of hospital immediately informed Luca that her body made a moment but the condition is critical either she is gonna make it or gonna die Luca immediately left his work and went toward the hospital and saw Jane going inside the room But he stopped himself
Jane entered the room and saw Vanshika trying to get up from bed she instantly runned toward her and hugged her and started crying
"Jane why I am here what happened to me" she asked
"Vinnie are you fine do you need water or something" Jane ignored her question why she was here
"Jane why I am in hospital is my baby okay" she asked putting her hand on her belly Jane couldn't take it anymore she knew the truth will hurt but she have to tell her she held her hand and said
"Vinnie the baby is not here anymore I am sorry baby but your baby died when you were shooted in your abdomen" she said and saw Vanshika face
"No no my baby is here Jane he can't leave me Jane my baby is here please stop with this joke he is the only one I have please stop joking upon my baby please I know my baby won't leave me" she said and started crying remembering she lost everything in her life she started cursing herself she started beating herself Jane tried to stop her but she didn't stop cause her mental health which was weak got more worse after listening the news she was doing this only then suddenly someone entered the room
"What the hell is he doing here Jane"

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