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It's been two weeks since their dinner and Luka is constantly sending her the things she like he is making every amend to try to make her forgive him but it's like she is made of stone she isn't responding to his gift nor his letter which he is writing only for her
Here Vanshika was saving every gift he was giving instead of throwing it cause she still love him she might not show it but still her heart beat for him she was seeing the calendar and she saw it's her birthday tomorrow she is gonna turn 21 but there is no family for her to celebrate her parents disowned her after her living with Luca she has friends here but would they leave their boyfriend tomorrow cause of Valentine's Day she was thinking about this then the bell ring of the house and she opened the door it was an letter for her telling her to come at these café tomorrow she sighed at these she knew who send her these but she want to celebrate her birthday with someone and even if it's gonna be Luca she went to her wardrobe and started choosing a outfit for tomorrow and she picked it and started doing her skincare and stuff
He was waiting for her with a gift in his hand but thinking if she will like it or not or hate it he was thinking it then he saw her entering the cafe wearing a long coat and a skirt with stocking she saw him and smiled and come and sit infront of him
"Happy birthday Vanshika" he wished her and gived her the gift
"You remember my birthday and thanks for the gift but it was not needed" she said
"It was i can't forget anything about you sweetheart btw where are your friends aren't you celebrating your day with them" he asked
"Amm I haven't told them cause of them not celebrating Valentine's Day with their boyfriend and wasting their time with me" she said and chuckled at her being alone
"Wasting their time on you Cinderella you know the time I spend with you is the best time of my life" he said and she stopped eating
"Ammm Luca thanks for this" she changed the conversation and started opening his gift when she opened it was an painting of her of her when they have gone to the beach date
"You know painting and when did you painted it"
"I love painting since my childhood whether it's too paint someone in red with his blood or in canvas with this colour and I painted it after our date but I took time lately I painted it slowly and i finished it yesterday only" he said and she crying at this " hey why are you crying please don't for me sweetheart I am an asshole but please don't cry for me" he consoled her he was consoling her but then his phone started ringing and he picked it "Oh god shit yes I am coming don't worry" he said and cutted the call
"What happened Luca" she asked
"Bianca is in labour I have to go back to Italy to be with them Sorry for cutting this day short but I have to go and once again Happy birthday" he said kissed her cheeks and started going out but god know what happened to her she holded his hand and said "Luca I am coming with you too"

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