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Five year laters

Its been 5 year living the best life having a loving and caring family having a best friend who is still there for you as they say life is not always a fairy tale and not having any problem a lot has happened in this 5 years Alessandro And Bianca are blessed with another child who has turned 2 today. Aurora and Marco got married and now they are expecting a baby this year.Jane and her husband are so much in love and they have 1 baby. Talking about Lucas the kid whose birth mother bought havoc in their life is happy with his family they loved him dearly they visit him and he think they are his aunt and uncle .and Coming about Luca he might have been busy lately for the mafia stuff and all in these 5 year he had taught her everything she should know cause Luca was still scared about the incident and couldn't ever afford to loose her again so he had made her strong despite her crying They have a pair of shitzu too well her Pluto is still there but it was her dream to own a pair of dog with her husband which Luca gifted her everything was fine and happy but these day she is feeling like damn sicktoo well Luca never forced her for a child he knew she was still in their first child death and he knew she is not mature enough to handle a baby either and her work made her busy too
She checked all the decorations were done and but she was feeling very dizzy she thought she didn't ate anything that's the reason why she is feeling dizzy while holding her head she saw a very heavily pregnant Aurora arriving toward her
"Hey baby mama" said Vanshika
"Agh it's paining and Marco is not even helping me reducing this" she showed her swollen legs to her
"Come with me I will massage it" she said and they went inside her room and she started massaging her legs but suddenly a sudden nausea hit her and she runned her way to the washroom and vommited. Aurora came and helped her
"You have been sick since so many days what's with it you huh?" she ask
"I don't know I am feeling so sleepy I just want to sleep and I am craving weird food which I hate." She said
"Hmm" then she thinked something "are your boobs swollen or fuck when did you had your periods?"
"Amm yes they are I don't know why and periods oh fuck they are late this month!" she said
"Okay and during your sex are you guys using condom or going raw?''
"For fuck sake I don't know your brother is an born dog like we fuck everyday and god know how many rounds so I don't even remember like you know like last night only we were on round four." She was saying but was stopped by Aurora
"Stop stop I don't wanna hear about my brother sex life with his wife it's so gross" she said while gagging
"Yes yes it's like you are not having a bun in that oven it just appeared magically!" She said and she blushed immediately
"No no but shut up we are diverting from the main topic and it's about your mood swings,your weird food craving and you throwing up" she said
And Bianca entered the room with a thing in her hand and handling to it to Vanshika while smiling
"What is this? Whatt a pregnancy kit" she was shocked seeing the kit
"Yes now go and check it quickly and come fast cause Ethan is not gonna cut his cake without his favourite aunt so be quick" she said and they pushed her inside the bathroom they knew it's very hard for her but in these five years Luca never forced her for having a baby he wanted her to be comfortable and mature enough to handle it but they know she used to be upset seeing Luca with other kids.
After few minutes she come out with the results in her hands, her eyes teary they both thought the test is negative so they went and hugged her
"I am pregnant, I am having a baby guys there is an pumpkin growing inside me" she replied giddily and hugging them
"I am gonna be a mother Luca is gonna be father I can't believe it's there" she said while putting a hand on her stomach and crying and they both hugged her happily
"Congratulation baby my baby is gonna be an elder sibling to your baby oh my god he is kicking fuck he kicked" Aurora said getting teary
"Wow wow it's such a great day today Ethan turned two today, Vanshika is pregnant and now Baby Miller kicked" Bianca said while controlling her tears and hugged both of them.

In the party
The cake was cutted and like everyday Ethan wanted his Aunt Vanshika to lift him but his mother Bianca came and lifted him told him from today his aunt will not carry him cause he is heavy so he started crying and then Luca came there and asked
"Bi why are you making him cry on his birthday by lying to him that his aunt Shi can't pick him up" he asked
"Cause she can't" she replied "Why can't she pick it up" he asked once again
"Cause she can't you dumbass of my fool brother" Aurora butted
"Huh are you mad or what" he said getting annoyed
"Cause I am pregnant" Vanshika blurted out
"Fuck I wanted this to be surprise" she was saying but she was lifted from her place and Luca hugged her tightly
"Is it true is it true" he asked trying to control his emotions
"Yes yes it's true I took the test today it came positive Luca we are gonna be parents our baby is here" she said while caressing her stomach Luca immediately lifted her and started waking inside the house
"Sorry buddy your aunt and I need a alone time together" he said that to Ethan and went inside the house and he entered their bedroom and made her sit on the bed and lifted her dress and started caressing her stomach
"Hey baby I am your daddy I am so freaking happy that I can't say anything your mumma made me the happiest person on the world today I can't fucking express it" he was crying
"But please be safe and come here safely please I love you and your mother so much and yes don't trouble her baby cause if you are troubling her she is gonna make my life hell" he said and kissed her Belly and then kissed her but before his hand can go somewhere else she stopped him
"Luca can we go somewhere please" she requested and Luca understood where she wanna go and nodded .

Sorry for not updating this story but yes my life is not great completely now so it's delayed but don't worry the second part is gonna come soon
And these story is gonna have I guess 2/3 epilogue more


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