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I felt like I was sinking to the floor.
I wanted to cry, but no tears came.
My name is Bella, I thought.
That.....that was the only thing I could remember about my life.
I looked around the metal cage and I noticed a body lying on the ground.
Images flashed through my mind.
The body lying on the ground wasn't just anybody he was my brother.

A minute passed. I looked in every direction but saw only darkness; I felt along the walls again, searching for a way out. But there was nothing only the cool metal.
I screamed, called for help, pounded on the walls with my fists.
I backed into the corner. I felt a worrying shudder in my chest, as if my heart wanted to escape, to flee my body.
"Someone........help......me!" I screamed; each word ripped my throat raw.
Suddenly my brother woke up he started to breath heavily and started coughing.
"B-bella where are we?" he asked.
He knew my name.
"Gally I don't know I can only remember my name and you thats it."

A loud clank rang above us and I sucked in a startled breath as I looked up. A straight line of light appeared across the ceiling of the room, and we watched as it expanded.
A heavy grating sound revealed double sliding doors being forced open.
After so long in darkness, the light stabbed my eyes; I looked away, covering my face with both hands.
I heard noises above -voices- and fear squeezed my chest.

"It's a girl?"
"And a boy!"
"How old are they?"
"Is the girl hot?"
"I call dibs!"
"She looks beautiful."
"Hey shanks give the girl and the new greenie some space" a voice said.
"No body touches the girl unless you wanna get banished at sun down" another voice shouted.

The voices were odd, tinged with echo; some of the words were completely foreign, others felt familiar.
And then, as if the lens of a camera had sharpened its focus, the faces cleared. They were all boys, some young, some older. They were just teenagers. Kids.
Someone jumped down from the metal cage. It was a guy with sandy hair. He actually looked cute.
He looked at my brother than towards me his gaze never left me.
"Nice to meet ya, new greenies" the boy said. "I'm Newt and welcome to the Glade."



I don't own The Maze Runner, all rights go to the famous writer James Dashner, and his amazing story.
However I do own Bella, and the plot around my character.

Marie Avgeropoulos as Bella.

The Maze Runner cast as themselves

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The Maze Runner cast as themselves.

The Maze Runner cast as themselves

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