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That night in the shack, Newt and I cuddled up together.
I felt at peace but that would be slowly ruined by my dark nightmares.

Wicked is good Bella, don't make it easy on them! A woman's voice whispers into my ear.

Mommy! A little girls voice shouts and the bang of a gunshot erupted my ears.

"I will always protect you Bella!"

"Shes just a kid, she can't do this."

"Wicked is good!"
"Its not, stop it!"

There were these people standing over me.

There was Newt and I holding hands together.
"Never forget me" he says.
"I promise, I won't!"

"Don't you wanna know why you're sent here?" A voice whispers.

"Wicked is good!"

"Never forget me!"

"I can't watch them die!"

"Bella I love you!"

Wicked is good Bella!"

"No its not they are bad people!" a voice screams at me.

I wake up breathing heavily, sweat rolling off me.
"Bella" a voice mumbles.
It was Newt.
"I'm fine it was just another nightmare."
But I wasn't sure if it was one.
"It's ok" he says as he wraps his arms around me.
To be their in his arms made me feel safe.
I buried my head against his bare chest as his arm slid around my waist.
I soon fell asleep to the sound of his heart beating steadily.

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