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I woke up suddenly with a loud clinking sound I looked out through the ivy it was gone.
I climbed out under from the ivys and stood up I held my breath, not daring to make the slightest sound. I looked up among the vines where Alby was tied he looked ok as long as the Grievers don't spot him but I don't think Grievers can climb walls.
I went around the corner but there was nothing their it was pure pitch black I walked down a little and suddenly I felt something drop on my shoulder I looked at it, ewwww it looked like vomit.
I turned around and right before my eyes was a Griever.
I stared in horror at the monstrous thing.
It looked like a science experiment gone wrong, something from a nightmare. Part animal, part machine.
I wanted to move but I just froze their until the creature roared in my face spitting out its green gross saliva.
And then I ran for my dear life.
As soon as I rounded the next corner, I crashed into someone it was Thomas.
"Bella? I told you to stay hiding!"
Between heaving breaths, I gasped, "I just saw........a....a....Griever....its..after me."
Thomas didn't bother saying anything he just grabbed my hand and we just kept running.
Until Thomas suddenly stopped I looked around it didn't end in another stone wall.
It ended in blackness.
A cliff.
We turned back around but it was to late the Griever was right behind us.
We're trapped.
Suddenly Thomas holds on tight to my hand and we are now facing the blackness.
"You ready?" Thomas asks.
I just nod.
Suddenly Thomas and I are in the air.
I reach out my hands to grab something in the darkness and I can feel something like a rope excepts its an ivy vine.
I hold on to that tightly cause I don't know how high we are from the ground.
Then suddenly I can see the Griever jumping off the cliff and landing right on the vines.
All of a Sudden all the ivy vines start to break and Thomas and I are falling.
Until we both land hard on the concrete floor.
The Griever suddenly starts to squirm its way out of the ivy vines.
I try and get up but I can't my legs caught in the ivy.
Suddenly someone's wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me out.
It's Minho.
"Minho, your ok!"
"Ye are the craziest shucks I've ever met!" he shouts.
Then the Griever starts to move again.
"We gotta go!" Thomas says.
I run ahead of the guys.
Minho was right behind me then suddenly the walls started moving, oh klunk!
Minho and I stopped and turned around waiting for Thomas. Thomas was waiting for the Griever to come after him.

The Grievers legs clicked as he was charging towards Thomas.
"Thomas!" Minho shouted at the top of his lungs.
Thomas made it passed through the moving wall but the Griever got crushed to death.


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