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I woke up in a strange room. The walls were all painted purple. Four beds, two dressers and two closed doors, one presumably leading to a bathroom.

But then the other door opened and their appeared Teresa.
She looked clean, she had new clothes on.
"Hey Bella, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm ok I guess, where are we?" I ask.

"The men in the black armour brought us here its suppose to be this safe compound area."

"Safe from what Teresa?"

"Wicked" she says.

Before I could say anything else she handed me folded clothes.
"Get dressed and meet us all in the dining hall."
And then she leaves. Well that was weird.

I take a long shower,and then I get dressed into a black pants and a blue top, and my running shoes which are beside my bed polished and everything. This is getting really strange.
I take a glance at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, a girl with dark brown eyes, pale chalky skin stares back at me.

I leave my dorm and walk down the corridor into the great big dining hall. The place was full of colour. It was like been transported to a living rainbow.
Everybody was either eating pizza or joking amongst one another. Everyone seems happy.

"Bella" Newt says and runs towards me and swoops me up and kisses me. Fireworks exploded inside my chest.
He lets go of me. Probably everyone is staring at us right now but I couldn't care less.

"We should probably eat" I say to Newt. And he takes my hand in his and we walk to the table. Theres a seat next to Minho so Newt and I sit down next to him.
Across from the opposite side from the table is Thomas.

He looks up at me, his brown eyes stare at me.

I get up off my seat and walk out of the room not listening to anyone to tell me to come back.
I couldn't bare to look at Thomas.

Suddenly someone yanks onto my arm and pulls me back to them, its Thomas.
"Bella please, I'm so sorry" he says his eyes stare into mine.

"Your sorry? You killed my brother right in front of me and you tell me your sorry now, I can't believe you, just stay the hell away from me, Thomas or I swear I will kill you" I shout at him.

"But he killed Chuck, I was angry, I lost it for a split second, Chuck did mean something to you too, he was like your little brother, he was like a little brother to all of us, Bella."

"Yes Chuck was like a little brother to me but my real brother is dead and its all your fault."

I break free from his grip and walk away tears start to roll down my face.

"I love you" he says making me stop and turn around and face him.

"Your too late" I say and walk off back to my dorm.


I cried and cried into my pillow. Suddenly there was knock on the door.
"Go away" I say still crying into my pillow.
But the person just let themselves in.
"I said go-" I say as turn around to face Newt.
"Bella, love" he says as he comes closer to my bed and cuddles up next to me.
"Newt I don't know what to do, everything is so messed up," I sob into his t-shirt.
"I know" he says while rubbing my back. "I brought you some pizza, since you didn't eat anything."

"Thanks Newt" I say as I kiss him on the cheek and take the plate of pizza from his hands and hound into it.
He just laughs at me.
"I should go" he says.
"Why?" I ask.
"It's the rules here male and female aren't suppose to sleep in the same rooms together" he says.
"But they won't know" I say.
"Oh they will, they check the dorms they seem to be very strict here" he says.
"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" I say
"Sure thing , goodnight Bells" he says and kisses my forehead and leaves the room.
"Goodnight, Newt."


That night in the dorm I couldn't sleep properly, not without Newt.
Teresa was fast asleep.
But something else didn't seem right.
I could hear the lock from outside the door and the handle began to twist and making a squeaking sound.
I shut my eyes quickly.
"Do you think the sleeping pills worked?" a voice whispers.
"I hope so," another voice whispers.
"We have to work fast though" the voice whispers.

I started to panic. I needed to get out of here fast but how unless I use my telepathically thing that I used to do with Newt back in the Glade.

'Newt, Newt, something is wrong.'
'Bella what's wrong?'

Then the bed covers were pulled up and their was two black figures standing over me.
I screamed but they put a hand over my mouth.
Newt! I screamed it.

Suddenly they put something over my mouth making me fall into a dark slumber.

End Of Book 1.

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