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"Wicked is good, Bella."

"Bella? Bella?" a woman's voice says softly.
"Mummy?" A four year old girl says lying in bed with blankets pulled up to her chin.
"I don't know why they chose you and Gally, but I do know this. Ye are special somehow. Never forget that. And never forget how much"- her voice cracks and tears run down her face- "never forget how much I love you both.
The little girl says "Are you gonna be crazy like all those people on Tv, Mummy? Like......Daddy?"
The woman reaches out and runs her fingers through her daughters brown hair. Woman? No, she can't call her that.
This is her mother.
Her Mummy.
"Don't you worry about that, sweetie, I won't let them hurt you" she says.

"Mummy!" the little girl screams as she she's been taken away from her mothers arms.
"Look after them both" her mummy says to the men in black armour.
The little four year old holds onto her big brothers hand.
The mother gives one last smile at her two children and as soon as the car pulls away.
Her smile has gone away.

"Bella, Wicked is good."
"You were sent here for a reason Bella, your brain needed to be tested to see that you could survive the flare" a voice said inside her head.
"Your smart, brave, kind, you care a lot for your brother Gally and your friends especially Newt" the voice said.
"This is all a game to them Bella" the voice shouts.

I was watching people drown right before my eyes.
Suddenly someone came up behind me it was Thomas.
"I can't bare to watch this anymore Thomas, I can't bare to watch them die."

"Bella Wicked is good" that woman whispered again in my ear.
"Stop it, it is not" a voice inside my head shouts.
"Stop this madness!" the voice shouts.

I scream in pain.
"Stop it!" I shout.
Hands grip my shoulders and someone was shouting something I couldn't make out..
I pushed them away, I start to hit them.
"No stop it! Stop this" I cried tears start to stream down my cheeks.
"Bella? Bella!" someone was shouting.
The voice cut through the pain and the fear.
I opened my eyes.
I looked up.
It was Newt.
I was gazing into his beautiful brown eyes.
"Newt!" I gasped, my breaths ragged and my voice hoarse.
"Bella! What the bloody hell happened to you?"
I couldn't stop myself. I broke down crying, shaking my head, my body wracked with sobs. Newt sighed and pulled me into his chest, his strong arms wrapping around me.
"Shh" he whispers, rocking me back and forth.
"Bella its okay, its okay" I was soothed by his voice, and felt safe in his arms, yet panic still flowed through me.
Newt leaned back, and brushed the hair out of my eyes.
"What happened, Bella?"
"I don't know" I mumbled, my voice choking a little.
"All I remember is flashbacks from the past before the Glade, things that I shouldn't remember but now I can't seem to remember anything Newt, its like I woke up with amnesia."
Newt studied me in concern for a while.
"I better let Gally and guys know your awake."
"No, no, not yet. Stay. Please, Newt" I whisper.
Newt managed a half smile, nodded and crawled back onto my bed.
He lay next to me and put his arms around me.
"Do you think we are gonna ever get out of here, Newt?" I ask.
"I hope so Bella."
"You know if we get out what do you think will happen to us?"
"Don't know but whatever happens when we get out I hope I end up with you, Bella."
I turn to look at him, a smile playing at his lips.
We both start to lean in.
Suddenly Newt pulls me in for a deep passionate kiss.
His arms snake around my waist, getting rid of the tiny space between us.
We were kissing.
Newt was kissing me.
"Bella," Newt murmurs against my lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't kiss you sooner before."
I was dying. I was melting. I was feeling all sorts of feelings I had never felt before.
Kissing Newt felt so right.
"I bloody love you" he murmurs against my lips.
My heart just completely melted right now.
"And I bloody love you" I say smiling between the kiss.


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