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We all went out to the Glade to see for ourselves

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We all went out to the Glade to see for ourselves. Winston was right the doors weren't closing.

Suddenly there was this loud crack like thunder, the other gates that were around the Glade started opening.

"Chuck I want you to go to the Council Hall start baracading the doors, Minho I want you to get as many weapons as you can find" Thomas orders.

"Winston you'll go with him" Newt says.
"Get the others and go to the forest and hide, now" Gally demands.

"Teresa, you and I will get Alby" Thomas says.

Then I hear that familiar piercing scream and sound of metal clashing.
And their it was part animal part machine. A Griever.
Fear ran through my whole body making me stay frozen.

"Alright everybody hide" Thomas shouts but I'm still frozen to the spot with fear.

Suddenly I'm being dragged by Newt.
"Bella come on" he says.

We ran like our life depended on it, because it did. The Grievers not too far behind us.

Newt shoved me in front of him, but I couldn't help but constantly look behind, making sure he was ok.

"Keep bloody going, I'm ok" Newt says between breaths.

We nearly reached the Council Hall when a Griever suddenly grabbed Newts legs out of know where.
"Newt!" I scream.

The Griever was just about to sting Newt when I suddenly grabbed the nearest stick and threw it straight into the Grievers eye. Newt broke away from the Griever and then I threw a fire lantern at the Griever it caught on fire automatically.

"Come on Newt" I say while dragging Newt up off his knees we get into the Council Hall, Thomas and the others not far behind us.

Thomas shuts the door. He tells us to stay quiet. Suddenly theirs this sound of clinking metal on the roof.
The Griever is on the roof. It starts taring away at the wood.
Then the roof collapses on top of us.
But Newt jumps on top of me protecting me from getting hit.

"Are you ok?" he asks.
"Uh yeah, thank you Newt" I reply back.
He chuckled. Our faces just inches apart from kissing until I hear someone clear their throat.
We both look up to see Minho, Thomas, Chuck, Teresa, Alby and a bunch of other Gladers staring at us.

"Sorry to break up your moment, again, but theirs a bunch of Grievers out their that are trying to kill us" Minho says while putting his hands on his hips.

"Sorry" Newt and I both say at the same time.
Newt gets up pulling me to my feet.

Suddenly Chuck gets dragged by his feet by a metal hand.
"Chuck!" I shout.
"Help" he screams.
Thomas and I both grab onto Chucks hands.
"Chuck don't let go" Thomas says.
"No shit!" he shouts at him.

Then Alby comes with a stick and starts whacking at the metal hand.The metal hand lets go of Chuck.

"Chuck you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, thanks Alby" he says.

Alby smiles at Chuck, then suddenly the metal hand comes back and grabs onto Alby.
"Alby!" I scream.
I reach out to grab his hand.
"Bella, get them out, all of them" he says and lets go of my hand.
"Alby, no!"

"Bella, don't go out their!"
I run out the door to try and stop the Griever, but they all seem to have disappeared.
The Glade destroyed.

"Where is everyone?" Teresa asks.

I can see Gally charging towards us, he looks like his gonna lose the head.

"Gally" Thomas says.
Suddenly Gally punches Thomas in the face.

"Gally!" I shout at him.

"This is all you Thomas!" Gally shouts at him.
"Back off Gally its not Thomas's fault" Frypan says trying to hold Gally back.

"Its his fault, his one of them!"

"One of who?" Newt asks.

"He came here to destroy everything, and now he has, look around Thomas, look around!"

"Maybe his right, I need to remember" Thomas says and then he sticks the stinger that belongs to a Griever.
"Thomas, no!" I shout.
Thomas collapses to the ground.
"Chuck, get the other syringe" Teresa says.

Then I felt a pain in my chest, I felt like I was choking, I couldn't breath properly.
"What's happening to her?"

Then I fell into darkness.

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