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Alby and Minho left early in the morning to go find where Ben had been stung.
I insisted on going but Gally wouldn't allow me he said it was to dangerous.
Gally always treats me like I'm some little kid which I'm not.
So for most of the day I've been helping with Frypan in the kitchen and helping Newt in the gardens.
Thomas was also in the gardens today asking Newt so many questions have you tried doing this and that but everything he said we had already tried.
Then it started pissing rain. The sky was getting dark they should be back by now. Thomas kept asking Newt what happens if they don't make it back but Newt just kept telling him they will. I could see the worry in Newts eyes.

I found Newt pacing the length of Homestead alone, mumbling away to himself. His face was a strain of worry and stress, his hair messy from running his hands through it. It was clear he was going out of his mind with worry. Alby and Minho should be back by now. Most of the Gladers were freaking out.
"Newt?" I asked, tentatively, hoping he wouldn't snap at me.
"Ten minutes" he muttered. "Ten minutes. The door close in ten bloody minutes." His tone was furious.
Newt turned around his expression softened and then he closed his eyes leaning against the wooden panelled wall.
"I'm scared Bella. I'm really shucking scared."
"Hey it's ok" I say as I went up to him and embraced him in a hug. At first Newt was a bit surprised then he snaked his arms around my waist and put his head against my shoulder.

We waited by the entrance to the Maze.
"Five minutes" someone near the back muttered.
Thomas shuddered "Can't we send someone in after them?" he asked.
"No. It's against the rules.They either make it back or they don't" Gally muttered from his crouched position as he squinted out into the Maze.
"We can't risk losing anyone else" Newt muttered his words bitter.

"There!" Chuck shouted.
Then a flicker of movement to the left caught my eye. At first, a shot of panic raced through my body cause I thought it was a Griever but it wasn't it was two forms took shape stumbling along the alley towards the door.
I realised it was Minho,with one of Alby's arms draped across his shoulders, practically dragging the boy along behind him.
"C'mon Minho you can do it" Thomas shouted.
"They're not gonna make it" I say.
The right wall was closing fast, seeming to quicken its pace the more I wanted it to slow down.
There were only seconds left until it shut completely. They had no chance of making it in time.
I turned to look at Thomas who looked at me worryingly.
I looked back into the Maze, at the closing wall. Only a couple of metres more and it'd be over.
Minho stumbled up ahead, and fell to the ground. They weren't going to make it. Time was up.
Suddenly something came over me it was like an adrenal rush. Everything moved fast quickly I ran into the maze after them I could hear people especially Gally shouting my name.
Then I heard Newt shout "Don't do it, Tommy! Don't you bloody do it!"
Thomas moved forward and squeezed past the connecting rods at the last second and stumbling into the Maze and landing right on top of me.
The walls slammed shut behind us, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy-covered stone like mad laughter.
"Can you get off me?" I ask.
"Oh sorry!" Thomas says while stumbling to get up.

For several seconds, a thick silence followed the thunderous rumble of the door closing, and a veil of darkness seemed to cover the sky, as if even the sun had been frightened away by what lurked in the Maze.
Minho had pulled himself up and was standing once again, but he looked terrible, even in the pale light still available, sweaty, dirty, scratched-up.
Alby on the ground, looked worse, his clothes ripped, his arms covered with cuts and bruises. Had Alby been attacked by a Griever?
"Greenie," Minho said, "if you think that was brave comin out here, listen up. You're the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck there ever was. You're as good as dead, just like us and as for you Bella I thought I'd expect better from you."
We couldn't just sit there and leave you guys out here" Thomas says.
Minho abruptly jumped at Thomas and grabbed him by the shirt.
"You don't understand, shuck-face! You don't know anything, and you're just making it worse by trying to have hope! We're dead, you hear me? Dead!"
Minho was just giving up to easily.
Minho looked down at his hands clasped to Thomas' shirt and shame washed across his face. Slowly, he let go and backed away. Thomas straightened his clothes.
"Ah, man, oh man," Minho whispered, then crumpled to the ground, burying his face in clenched fists. "I've never been this scared before, dude. Not like this."
I've never seen Minho so scared.
I was about to open my mouth to speak, but closed it quickly when i heard the noise. Minho's head popped up; I looked down one of the darkened stone corridors. My breath quickened.
It came from deep within the Maze, a low, haunting sound.
The sound sounded like sharp knives rubbing against each other. It grew louder by the second, and then a series of eerie clicks joined in. A hollow moan filled the air, and then something that sounded like the clanking of chains.
All of it, together, was horrifying, and the small amount of courage I had gathered began to slip away.
Minho stood, his face barely visible in the dying light.
"We have to split up- it's our only chance. Just keep moving. Don't stop moving!"
And then he turned and ran, disappearing in seconds, swallowed by the Maze and darkness.

Thomas and I stared at the spot where Minho had vanished. We turned and faced Alby, still propped against the stone wall, now only a mound of shadow in the darkness. Kneeling on the ground, Thomas found Albys neck, then searched for a pulse.He listened to his chest.
"Is he still alive?" I ask.
"Yeah he is."
"Thomas, we can't just leave him like this" I say.
"I have a plan!" he says.
He reached down and grabbed both of Albys arms, then squatted into a sitting position and wrapped the arms around his neck from behind. He pulled the lifeless body onto his back and pushed with his legs, grunting with the effort.
But it was to much. Thomas collapsed forward onto his face; Alby sprawled to the side with a loud flump.
The frightening sounds of the Grievers grew closer by the second, echoing off the stone walls of the Maze.
Trying a new approach, we both grabbed Albys arms and we started dragging him along the ground. I couldn't actually believe how heavy Alby was, and it took only three metres or so for us to realise that it just wasn't going to work. Where would we take him, anyway?
We pushed and pulled Alby back over to the crack that marked the entrance to the Glade, and propped him once more into a sitting position, leaning against the wall.
Thomas and I both sat back against it, panting from exertion.
As Thomas gazed out into the darkness of the Maze. I started to think I looked around the walls of the Maze to know they were all covered in vines of ivy.
"That's it" I say.
"What is?"
"Help me tie these around Alby, Thomas."
We both dragged Alby over to the vines.
A sharp crack echoed from within the Maze, followed by the horrible sound of crumpled metal. The sounds started to get louder.
Thomas grabbed one of the vines and wrapped it around Albys right arm. The plant would only reach so far so we had to prop Alby up as much as we could to make it work.
After several wraps, Thomas tied the vine off. Then I took another vine and put it around Albys left arm, then both of his legs, tying each one tightly.
My arms ached I couldn't push Alby up another centimetre. The clinking started to get louder.
"Thomas we gotta hide!" I whisper.
"Ok get under that crack in the wall where's there's a couple of ivy covering it."
I got under it but there wasn't going to be enough room for the both of us.
As soon as Thomas got under he landed right on top of me. Oh shuck, he was shucking heavy!
"Thomas this isn't going to-." He cut me off straight away by putting his finger on my lips to shut me up.
Oh shuck we were really close together.
I looked into his dark brown eyes and he looked into mine. Suddenly Thomas started to move in closer and closer until our lips connected and suddenly I was kissing him. Something inside my head was telling me that this was wrong and another part was telling me that it was right.
The kiss was passionate for a second until I broke away.
And we just looked at each other.
Then I heard the clinking noise again and it got closer and closer until I could see its metal legs right under where we are hidden. My body just froze of the monstrous thing that was right before my very eyes.
A Griever.

It walked away after a few minutes standing right where Thomas and I are hidden.
"Bella I want you to stay here until morning comes and as soon as the Maze doors open you get out and take Alby back with you I gotta find Minho."
"But I could help!"
"No it's too dangerous don't think any of the guys will like it if I brought you back dead especially Newt!" Thomas says and gives me a peck on the lips.

That night i couldn't sleep with all those grievers running around with them clinking back and forth and their haunting sounds and I kept thinking about the whole Thomas and I kissing situation and what Thomas said about Newt.
Kissing Thomas it felt good but something was just not right.

My mind started to drift off until I fell asleep.


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