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Newts P.O.V.

She just ran into the Maze, my Bella.
I just lost the girl I loved who just ran into the Maze after Alby and Minho then the new Greenie, Thomas suddenly decided to go in too.

I never got to tell Bella how I felt about her.
And I never will.
I was now leaning up against the door to the entrance to the Maze.
I stayed out here all night just hoping and waiting but who am I kidding.
I lost the girl I loved.
I remember the time I almost kissed her we were outside at night and I told her that me, Alby and Minho had agreed on her becoming a runner. She was so happy that she jumped on top of me and we were just inches apart from kissing until I ruined it.

Suddenly then the walls of the Maze started to open.
I got up just waiting for her to be right their as soon as the Maze doors fully opened.
"Guys get up" Chuck shouts.
They weren't there.
"Told you Chuck there not coming back" I said.
I walk off I can feel the tears stream down my face.
She was gone.
"No way" Clint says.
I turn around there she is.
I run towards her and wrap my arms around her and spin her around.
She starts giggling.
"Yeah!" Chuck shouts.
Thomas and Minho drop down Alby onto the ground.
"You saw a Griever?" Chuck asks.
"Yeah but he didn't just see it he killed it." Minho says.
"It's true" Bella says while she stares at me with her big brown eyes.


Bella's P.O.V.

"Gally, your shucking squeezing me to klunk" I say trying to break free from Gally's tight hug.
"Don't you ever do that again to me Bella you scared the klunk out of me." Gally says to me worryingly.
"I won't and I'm sorry."
"I know you are" he says and lets go of me.
Suddenly I'm been crushed again by someone else I turn around to see Chuck hugging my waist.
"Hey Chuck my buddy what are you doing?"
"I missed you."
I just laugh. "I'm ok now Chuck."
"Especially Newt he missed you like a lot I think he was crying in his sleep, he waited outside the entrance to the Maze all night."
"He did what?"
"Forget it i never said anything" he says and lets go of my waist and walks off.
I just laugh to myself.
Suddenly something doesn't feel right my head gives out this piercing scream.
It feels like someone is doing something to my brain.
I scream in pain.
The last thing I see is Newt running towards me.
Everything just suddenly turns pitch black.


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