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"We don't even know what this stuff is or who sent it or why it came up with Teresa, for all we know this could kill him!" Newt says.
"His already dying, look at him, how could this possibly make it any worse" Thomas says.
I look at Newt "Come on its worth a try" I say to him.
"Alright do it."
Thomas just nods his head and walks over to Alby and was about to stick the syringe in when Alby wakes up and catches hold of Thomas's top and starts screaming at him.
"You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be here" he shouts at him.
All of us try to get Alby away from Thomas.
"Woah Alby calm down alright!"
"Get the syringe" I shout.
Suddenly Teresa stabs it into Albys chest. Alby let's go of Thomas and collapses back down back onto the bed.
"Well that worked" Jeff says.
"Ok from now on someone watches him here around the clock" Newt states.
Suddenly Gally walks in "Hey, sun down Greenie time to go."
Before Thomas leaves the room he glances at me one more time and as soon as I turn back to face the others Newt is staring directly at me with a hurt and confused expression on his face.


After all of the commotion with Alby and Newts hurt and
confused expression when Thomas glanced at me I decided to take my mind off it by having a midnight snack before I headed to bed.

Before I head to my shack. I notice Chuck walking away from the pit where Thomas is suppose to be.

I walk over to Thomas to check and see if he's ok.

"Hey" I say.
"Hey, how you coping inside their?"
"It's fine, it's not very cosy but it'll do."

Thomas and I just stared at each other for a moment.
He was so handsome, the way his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

Bella what are you thinking, snap out of it, you don't like this shuck face you like Newt, you love Newt a voice says inside my head.

"Bella? You ok?" Thomas asks.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Yeah, Thomas?"
He scratches the back of his neck. "Look I'm just gonna come out and say this, I really like you Bella, when we kissed inside the Maze that night I felt something for you and I think you feel the same way too."
"Thomas, don't do this, I don't need this right now."
"I know you feel something for me Bells, you just won't admit it."

"Thomas, I don't feel anything for you why can't you except that, I have a lot of things on my mind right now."

"You feel something for me, I know you do but you also feel something for Newt too."

"I'm not having this conversation with you!" I say as I was about to leave but Thomas grabs onto my arm.

"Fine admit to yourself all you like that you don't have feelings for me, but just remember who you were before the Glade Bella, your different you know way more than anyone else in the Glade, you can figure it out."

"I'm sorry Thomas" I whisper to him and he lets go of my arm.
I walk away from the pit in shock.
I have no idea what I'm going to do.
I'm clueless.
Anytime I'm around Thomas or Newt they make me forget all the badness going on around me.

Tears start to stream down my face.
I want to remember, but my head hurts when I think about it.
I need to remember, somehow.

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while but I hope you liked this chapter!!!


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