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Three years later.

Three years later

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"Come on Bella your so slow" Minho shouted.
"Can we just take a break my legs are killing me" I say.
Minho comes to a halt, I try to catch breath for a second until Minho swoops me up off my feet and carries me back to The Glade on his shoulder.
"Is this really necessary Minho?"
"It sure is" he says chuckling away to himself.

As soon as we got back into The Glade he put me down straight away.
I could see a group of boys circled around the box.
"Must be a new Greenie" Minho says.

Minho and I jog past Chuck and this boy I've never seen before, I must say the new Greenie is actually pretty good looking. He looks about seventeen, brown hair and dark brown eyes.
"Hey Bells, hey Minho" Chuck says smiling at me.
When Chuck first came here I was the one who looked after him properly so Chuck is more like a little brother to me.
"Hows does it feel to be promoted?" I ask.
"It feels great Bells" he smiles proudly.
"Does the Greenie knows his own name yet?" I ask.
"No, Greenie this is Bella she's our only girl here in The Glade but she's good at kicking guys asses."
I give a little chuckle.
"I'll see you guys later at the celebration tonight" I say waving goodbye to Chuck and the new Greenie. The Greenie won't stop staring at me as soon as I leave.
"Greenie seems to take a quiet interest in you" Minho says.
"Shut up his probably confused cause I'm the only girl here with a bunch of hormonal teenage boys" I say.
Minho just starts laughing at me.

"Bella" someone shouts I turn around to see Alby heading my way.
"Hey Alby what's up?" I ask.
"Did you see the new Greenie?"
"Yeah I was talking to him and Chuck a while ago."
"Seems our Greenie can't keep his eyes off Bella here" Minho just bursts out.
"Really?" says a British accent I turn around to see Newt straight behind me.
"You guys are totally over exaggerating."
"No we are not, you and the new Greenie hmm" Minho says wriggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah whatever ye're a bunch of shanks and I better get ready for tonight so bye."
The guys just watch me as soon as I leave. Sometimes it can get really annoying living with a bunch of guys.

Suddenly I hear shouting out near the middle of The Glade. I run towards where all the commotion and racket was coming from I notice the Greenie and my brother Gally roaring at each other.
"Gally calm down" I say grabbing onto his shoulder.
"Just leave the Greenie alone" I say.
Suddenly the giant doors leading to the maze start to close.
"Next time I'm gonna let you leave" he says to the Greenie and just walks off.
"Hey I'm so sorry about my brother he can be a shank most of the times" I say.
"Gally's your brother?" he asks.
"Yup, older brother."
"I feel sorry for you."he says.
I just give a little giggle.
"Well I'll see you tonight, Greenie" I say smiling at him.
God he is so shucking darn cute, wait what?
"Bye Bella" he says.
My heart just melted. There was something about him, I don't know what it is but its like I have known him my whole life.


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