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We ran back into the centre of the Glade.
"Chuck what's going on?" I ask walking up to him who was laughing his head off.
"She's awesome" he says pointing at the girl who was throwing rocks from the Tower at the Gladers.
"Leave me alone" she shouts while throwing rocks at the lads.
"Hey throw one more of those things and I will....." Suddenly Gally is hit on the head with a rock.
I couldn't help but laugh at this situation.
"Go away"she shouts at them and throws more rocks at them.
"I don't think she likes us very much" Newt says.
"Hey look we just wanna talk" Thomas shouts at the girl.
"I'm warning you!" she shouts. She throws a bit more rocks at the lads.
"Take cover y'all, take cover" Gally shouts.
"Woah, woah, hey, hey, it's Thomas, it's Thomas" Thomas shouts.
The girl stops throwing the rocks and looks at Thomas.
"Ok I'm gonna come up ok" Thomas looks at Gally "just me" he says and climbs up the ladder to the girl.
We wait awhile for Thomas and the girl to finish their conversation.
"What's going on up their?" Gally asks.
"Is she coming down?" Newt shouts.
"Am can you guys just give us a second?" Thomas asks.
"Yeah fine" I say.
The Gladers walk off back to doing their own things.
I decide to go after Gally cause I'm really worried about him and I also need to tell him about my flashbacks getting wiped from my mind.
He sits down on log putting his hands up against his face.
I sit down next to Gally.
"Gally you alright?"
"Yeah, fine" he mumbles.
"Gally I know when something's bothering you."
"And I know when something's bothering you too, Bella" he says raising his eyebrows.
"Ok you got me but you can go first" I say.
"Ok, ever since Thomas arrived I've been getting this bad vibe off him I don't know what it is but he's changing everything and Newt is leaving him get away with it, you know things would be a whole lot easier if I was in charge."
"Gally, Thomas is just trying to help find away out of here don't you wanna get out of here too?"
"I have a feeling if we do get out Bella we won't be free, thats why I like being in the Glade we're safe, your safe and all I want is to protect the ones I care about."
I just nod my head agreeing with Gally.
"So what's been bothering you lately?"
"Oh am its just" I stutter.
"Boys!" Gally suddenly says.
"What no course not" I say even though I did have a certain guy on my mind and that was Newt.
"So what is it?"
"You know those dreams I was telling you about."
"Yeah?" he says looking concerned.
"Well they weren't dreams they were flashbacks, when I collapsed after coming out of the Maze I had a couple of more dreams this certain dream it was about our mom, Gally and when I woke up I couldn't remember its like someone wiped them from my mind and I think its something to do with those Creators, Gally" I say.
Gally just looks at me for a moment.
"Bella maybe its a good thing not to remember these things, maybe the creators did a good job in keeping us away from our memories" Gally says and walks away leaving me confused.
He wasn't making any sense.
Its like he didn't want to remember anything from our past, why though?

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even see the person sit down next to me.
"Hey Bella you alright?"
"Hmm?" I turn to the person next to me its Thomas and he's not alone, the girl is standing next to him looking at me as if she's trying hard to remember something.
For some strange reason I feel like I know her from somewhere.
"You alright?" Thomas asks again.
"Am yeah just got lost in my thoughts" I say.
I bury my face in my hands.
Thomas peels my hands away from my face and held them to help me stand on my feet.
Thomas looked at me like he didn't believe me.
"Ok, oh sorry Bella this is Teresa, Teresa this is Bella" Thomas says.
"Hi" I say putting my hand out for her to shake it.
"I remember you" she says.
"You do?" I say confusingly.
"I'm sorry,its just,I feel like I've known you for a long time which is strange really" she says.
"I kind of get that weird feeling too" I say.
"Well I better leave you girls catch up" Thomas says and walks off to Frypans kitchen.
"Can you remember anything?" I ask.
"I remember water, it felt like I was drowning and these voices repeating 'Wicked is good' over and over again."

"Wicked is good Bella"a voice in my head says.
"Bella? You ok?" Teresa asks.
"Ah yeah why?"
"It's just it looked like you completely zoned out of everything for a minute there."
"Oh, you sure you don't remember anything else?" I ask.
Then she pulls out two glass tubes out of her pocket.
"These were in my pocket when I came up" she says handing me the two blue glass tubes.
W.I.C.K.E.D was printed on both of them.
Why would they give us these.
"Alby!" I mumble.


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