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Newts P.O.V.

"Newt?" someone says shaking me.
"Mhm" I mumble. I open my eyes to see a very shocked Minho in front of me.
I propped myself up on one elbow and was surprised to see Bella she was curled into my side and still fast asleep.
I turned to Minho, back to Bella and back to Minho once more.
"Minho!" I whisper yelled at him, who's face had broken into the biggest smile I ever did see on that bloody shank.
"Minho you can't tell anyone about this."
I carefully managed to detach myself from Bella without her waking up and was now currently glaring at Minho.
He had obviously just woken up, his usually spiky hair was sticking up at all the angles imaginable and he still looked half asleep.
He still hadn't said anything to me, he was obviously just enjoying torturing me.
"What do you want shuck face?" I ask looking at his smiling shuck face.
"So....." he said dragging out the 'o'.
"Is Newt and Bella a thing now?" Minho sounded like a shucking middle school girl.
"I don't know!" I argued back. We were both still whisper yelling at each other because Bella was still asleep.
"Sure it is" Minho stared with a smirk on his face.
"Well wake her up cause she needs to be at the Gathering about Thomas going into the Maze."
Shoot! I had completely forgot about that.
Before Minho could leave I said to him "Minho please don't say anything to the Gladers especially Gally about me and Bella."
"I won't you can trust me" he says as he walks off to Frypans kitchen to get breakfast.
I sat down next to Bella and just admired her beauty right in front of me.
"Newt!" a voice suddenly says inside my head.
"You awake?"
It sounded female.
"Can you hear me?" The voice said it sounded really familiar.
"It's Bella."
Holy klunk, why the bloody hell was Bella talking to me inside my head I must be dreaming.
Suddenly she woke up.
"Did you hear me talking to you inside your head?"
"Yeah, h-how the bloody hell did you do that?"
"I don't know it must have been the creators they must've done something but I just felt like a highly strong connection with you and all of a sudden I'm talking to you inside your head."
"This is weird!"
"Newt, please don't tell anybody ok, cause they might freak out, promise" she says.
"I promise" I say.
"Breakfast? Cause I'm shucking starving" she says and grabs my hand and drags me out of the shack.

Once we are at the breakfast table Bella and I sit across from Minho who starts doing kissy faces at us and starts doing hearts, seriously I will kill that shucking shank.
Bells just looks at Minho to me and says "I'm guessing he knows then?"
"That's good then we won't hafta keep it a secret any longer" she says and holds onto my hand.
I really love this shucking girl I say to myself.

Bella's P.O.V.
The Gladers all gather in Homestead to discuss about how Thomas who is a non- runner shouldn't be going into the Maze and how he killed a Griever.
"Things are changing there's no denying that, first Ben gets stung in brad daylight and now Alby and now our Greenie has taken upon himself to go into the Maze which is against our rules here"Gally says.
"Well he did save Albys life" Frypan says.
"Did he? For three years we have co-existed with these things and now Thomas has killed one of them who knows what this means for us."
"What do you suggest we do?" Newt asks.
"I say he should be punished" Gally says.
"Newt what do you think of this?"
Newt stares at me for a moment.
"Minho and Bells ye guys were their what do ye think?"
Minho and I exchange looks at each other.
"When I ran off this dumb shank and Bella stayed back to help Alby. Look I don't know if this guy is brave or stupid. All the times we've been here nobody has ever killed a Griever before. Whatever it is we need more of it. I suggest we make him a runner."
Some of the Gladers go berserk when they hear this.
"You wanna do that fine. If there's one thing I know about the Maze is that you...." Gally was suddenly interrupted by the loud sound of the Box alarm go off.


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