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Next morning I woke up early the sky wasn't bright yet. I decided to get out of my shack and climb the tower. I leaned against the railing and watched the dark sky turn bright. Most of the lads seemed to be getting up I can see Alby and Thomas walking to the wall of names.
I then climb down from the tower and walk into the kitchen to help Frypan with cooking the breakfast I'm not just only a runner I also cook, help Newt out with the gardens and help out the

After giving all the lads their breakfast and eating my own I decide to take a walk through the woods to the graveyard. I then notice Ben choking Thomas to death. Wait Bens not suppose to be out he got stung he's suppose to be going through the changing. Oh no Thomas!
"Ben, get away from him!" I shout at him.
I jump up on top of Ben and try to get him away from Thomas suddenly Ben shoves me onto the ground his hand grabs onto my neck. I can't barely breath. "B-ben p-pleasee" I try to say. He doesn't look like the Ben I used to know his face is pale his eyes are dark full of anger.
Suddenly then Thomas gets up and hits Ben over the head with something.I break free from his grip and Thomas and I run back to the Glade but Bens right on our tail.
"Help?, help?" Thomas shouts suddenly we both trip and Bens right on top of Thomas again his chocking him.
"You did this I saw you, I saw you" Ben shouts at Thomas.
The guys run up to see the commotion Newt suddenly hits Ben over the head with a shovel.
"Ben whats gotten into?" Newt asks.
Ben looks up at Alby."Alby , no no please don't."
"Lift up his shirt."
The guys lift up his shirt and I see a big dark purple bruise with these dark veins sticking out which look like its spreading around his stomach.
"Put him in the pit" Alby says. The lads drag Ben to the pit and shove him into it.

I still can't get the images of Ben off my mind his face looked scary, I didn't even hardly recognise him. I'm now in the Medjacks place. I told them I was fine but Gally wanted me to get my neck checked just in case anything was damaged.
As soon as I leave the Medjacks place I see all the boys from the Glade down by the entrance to the maze.
I jog down to see what's going on. I stand near by Chuck and Thomas. Minho brought Ben out of the pit down to the entrance of the Maze. Bens clothes were tattered, barely hanging on; a bloody thick bandage covered half his head and face. His eyes were open, and they were wide with terror.
"Bring out the Poles" Alby commanded.
All the guys who had poles in their hands were backing Ben into the Maze like backing a wild animal into its cage.
I was horrified by this whole thing I couldn't help but feel responsible for this I didn't provoke Ben he was attacking Thomas if I didn't see it Ben would have killed Thomas by now.

Chuck walks off he can't bare to stand to look at this.
"Please," Ben said, his voice rising in desperation.
"I'm sorry Ben you brought this all on yourself" Alby says.
"Please, you can't do this to me" Ben pleaded.
The madness in Bens eyes was not human like. He looked as alien as anything.
"Hold!" Alby shouted.
Ben screamed then, without pause, made a sound so piercing that I covered my ears.
It was a lunatic cry, surely ripping his vocal chords to shreds.
Bens final screams were cut off when the walls closed with a terrible boom.
Tears suddenly trickled down my cheeks.

"He belongs to the maze now" Alby says.

That night I had nightmares about Bens terrorised eyes and his piercing screams. Then I started to dream about those people in white and that woman whispering to me 'Wicked is good' and Thomas watching me drown then there was this unexpected dream Newt was in it but it wasn't a dream it was a memory of me with him in the Glade.
"Your different Bella."
"I'm different cause I'm a girl, right?"
"That too but your not like the others your curious about this place."
"I guess so" I say looking at the night sky.
"Alby, Minho and I have been discussing and we think its possibly for you to become a Runner."
"You serious?"
"Oh my God, thank you Newt, thank you, thank you" I say jumping on top of him knocking both of us to the ground, me landing on top of him.
Our lips are just inches apart from each other, oh shuck I just wanted to kiss him so badly right their and then.
Newt suddenly cleared his throat.
"We should probably head back its getting late" he says and gets up taking my hand and walks me back to my shack.
After having that dream about that memory I didn't have no more nightmares that night.


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