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Minho, Thomas and I walk away from Homestead, deep into the forest to the map room.
For the whole walk Thomas didn't even speak or look at me. Its like he was mad at me for kissing Newt.
"Where we going?" Thomas asks breaking the silence.
"You'll see" Minho says.
We go inside to the map room. Minho shows Thomas the mini design of the Maze.
"Its the Maze all of it" Minho says.
"Wait I thought you were still mapping it?"
"There's nothing left to map" I say.
"We run ever inch of it ourselves, if there was a way out we would have found it by now" Minho says.
"Why haven't ye guys told anybody about this?"
"It was Albys call people needed to believe we had a chance of getting out, but maybe now we have a real chance" Minho says.
"Take a look at this about a year ago we started exploring the outer sections and this section had numbers on the walls section 1,3,8 every night the Maze changes and opening up a new section and you see today section 6 was open tomorrow will be 4,1,3 and 8 the pattern always stays the same" I say.
"What's so special about 7?" Thomas asks.
"We don't know, last night when you killed that Griever section 7 was open, I think it must be where it comes from tomorrow you and I are gonna take a closer look" Minho says to Thomas.
"Wait what about me?" I ask.
"It's too dangerous for you Bella" Minho says.
"Minho?" I shout at him.
"I'm sorry but its too dangerous we can't risk losing another Glader and besides your really important to people around here."
"Thomas talk some sense into him please, I'm a runner you can't just tell me not to run" I say.
"I think Minho's right Bella, your too important to people around here nobody wants to see you get hurt not even I do" he says blushing.
Thomas was blushing was it because of me?
Before I could open my mouth suddenly Jeff and Clint come running into the map room.
"Hey you guys are not suppose to be in here" Minho says.
"Sorry its just its the girl" Clint says through heavy breaths.
"Is she awake?" Thomas asks.
"I guess you could say that" Jeff says.


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