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Sunlight slowly crept through the small shack window and awoke me with open arms.
As my eyelids fluttered open, to reveal a happy Newt next to me.

"Where you watching me sleep?"
"Maybe" he says a smirk appearing on his face.

I leaned in closer to him. My lips brushing his as I tease him.
"You bloody tease" Newt smiles putting his hand on the back of my neck to quicken the speed of our lips making contact.

Fireworks erupted in my stomach when we finally kissed.

As soon as I was about to pull away before things went too far, their was a loud knock at the door.

It was Gally.
"Klunk!" I mumble.
"What the bloody hell is he doing here early in the morning?" Newt whispers.
"Shh" I put my fingers to his lips.
"Out the window" I mouth to him.
Newt nods his head he grabs his t-shirt and jumps out the window.

"Bella are you alright" Gally shouts.
"Yeah just a second."
Newt pecks me on the lips and runs off into the bushes.

I put on my jumper and open the door to reveal my brother Gally.
"Hey what's up, I can't talk long I need to head into the maze soon" I say.

"Thats why I came to talk to about, Bella."
"What?" I ask.
"Your not running today."
"Since when are you in charge in when I can run or not?"
"It's far too dangerous for you right now, I was never keen on you becoming a runner in the first place."

"Gally I love being a runner."
"Well I'm telling you no end of discussion!" He shouts at me and storms off back to Homestead.
He can't just not let me run like that.


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