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Song of the chapter:
I Miss you by Blink 182, cover by 5sos.


As soon as I got to my small shack I hopped into bed.
I just really wish Newt was here right now, he looked really upset when Thomas looked at me in that sort of way.
I just don't know what to do my heads spinning around.

I sigh and bury my face in my hands.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
I jump out of the bed and open the door to reveal Newt.
"Hi" that's all he says.
"Hey you ok?" I ask.
He barges into the shack and starts pacing the length of the shack running his hands through his hair.
"Newt, what's wrong?"
"Do you have feelings for him?"
"Thomas!" he snaps.
I just froze completely.
"Well do you?"
"I don't know," I whisper.
"Don't lie to me!" he shouts at me.
Tears start to stream down my face.

"L-look this was way before you and I got together, that night in the maze, I was in panic and Thomas was their and he kissed me."
Newts face looked like he wanted to murder someone right now.
He cleared his throat "Did you kiss back?"
I stared at Newt and then I looked away, tears started rolling out of my eyes.
I didn't have to answer to Newt, he knew it already.

I can't stop crying, I messed everything up.
Newts face softens as he sees me balling my eyes out.

"B-Bella, Bells, I'm sorry" he says coming closer to me and brings me into a hug.
"No, I'm sorry i should've told you sooner" I say.
"It's my fault I shouldn't have acted like that, I'm the jealous type" he says.
I couldn't help but smile at that.
"And besides it was only the one time it didn't mean anything, right?"
"Right" I say even though I wasn't a hundred percent sure if the kiss did mean something.

"Come on" he says dragging me out of the shack.
"Where are we going?" I ask suspiciously.

He puts his fingers to my lips.
"We don't want to wake up the boys now do we" he whispers.

He drags me past Homestead into the woods. Where the moon is shining through the trees. There was a perfect patch of grass where it was lit by the moonlight.
We both lid down together on the grass, hand in hand.
I looked over at Newt.
Although it was long past sunset, Newts face was lit by the moonlight.
I couldn't help but smile at how perfect he was, his messy blonde hair and perfect brown eyes.
Newt the turns to face me smiling at him, he starts grinning.
Newt then rolls onto his side, our faces were inches apart.
Slowly he leans in to kiss me but I move my head.
"What's wrong?" he pouts.
Instead of replying I sat up and climbed on top of him.
A giant and cheeky smile appeared on Newts face.
With my legs around his waist and my arms on either side of his head my face hovering over his.
Newt grabs my hips and deepens the kiss.
After a while I pulled away.
"Newt are you happy?" I ask stopping abruptly.
Newt watches me slightly confused.
"Of course I am. I'm here with you" he smiles.
He lent into kiss me again. This kiss was completely different, it was perfect fireworks erupted in my stomach.
Our lips moved in sync. I smiled through the kiss. I wish we could stay like this forever.

Ok so what do you think of this chapter?


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