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We were sliding down a tunnel it was twisting, turning in a rough spiral.
Around and around we went down the tube. A second later, I flew out of the tunnel and landed on the ground.
Newt came sliding down after me and landed straight on top of me.

"Newt can you get off me?" I mumble under him.
"I rather like this position." I could see him smirking in the darkness.

"Alright" he says pouting.
Newt gets off me and pulls me to my feet.

"Is everyone alright?" Thomas asks.
Everyone replies yes or just nods their head.

Teresa gets up and opens a door that leads out into a long narrow corridor.
We all walk out. The lights flicker all along the narrow corridor.

We walk for a while. Then we all stop at a door saying 'Exit'.
"Seriously?" Frypan asks.

Thomas opens the door to reveal bodies and blood everywhere.
We all walk inside. The room seems very familiar like I've been in here before, well except for the dead bodies.
Who would do this?

"What the hell happened here?" I ask.
I look at the computer screens. I could see The Glade, they were cameras in different angles around The Glade.

"So they were watching us the whole time" Newt says.

Suddenly a woman appears on the screen. She has blonde hair and pale skin. Why does she seem so familiar to me?

"Hello my name is Doctor Ava Paige I'm the operator of World in Castrophe Killzone Experiment Department if you are watching this than you have successfully completed the maze trials.
I wish I could be their in person to congratulate you but circumstances seemed have to prevent it.
You all must be very confused, angry, frightened, I can only assure you that everything that has happened to you everything we've done to you was all done for a reason. You might not remember this but the sun has scorched our world, billions of lives lost to fire, famine, suffer on global scale, the fallout was unimaginable but what came after was worse we called it the Flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain it is violent it is unpredictable, incurable.
Or so we thought in time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus suddenly their was a reason to hope for a cure but finding it wouldn't be easy the young would have to be tested even sacrificed inside harsh environments where their brain activity could be studied all to understand what makes them different what makes you different.
You may not realise this but your very important.
Unfortunately your trials have just begun. As you should know not everyone agrees with our methods, progress is slow, people are scared.
It maybe to late for us, for me but not for you
The outside world awaits and remember 'Wicked is good" she says as she points a gun towards her head and pulls the trigger.
The loud shot makes me jump.

Then a door starts to slide open and I could see brightness, the outside world.
"Should we get out of here?" Chuck asks.
"She said we were important" Newt says.
"Lets get out of here" Thomas says.

"No!" a voice says.
We all turn around.
"Gally?" I say.
He's pointing a gun towards us.
"No Bella, don't, he's been stung" Thomas says grabbing onto my hand.

"We can't leave" Gally says tears streaming down his face.

"Gally we're out, we're free, just please put down the gun" I say to him.

"We're free? You think we're free out their?, No theirs no escape from this place" he shouts and then he pulls the trigger.
In that moment everything went completely fast.

Chuck collapsed to the ground. He was bleeding. Thomas pulled Chucks shaking body into his. Not Chuck. Not Chuck. Anyone but Chuck.

The boy shook uncontrollably, blood everywhere.
Thomas clinging onto to Chuck for dear life.
"Hang on Chuck" Thomas says. "Don't die, please don't die. Someone get help!"

Nobody moved. Tears kept rolling down my eyes. Black spots swam before my eyes; the room tilted fad swayed.

"Thomas" Chuck whispered. "Find..... my mum... tell her..........."

He didn't finish. His body went limp. One last breath wheezed from his mouth.

Tears kept spilling my eyes, Chuck was just a kid, a kid that should've just grown up.

Thomas let go of Chuck, stood up, trembling, turned to face Gally.

And that's when Thomas completely and utterly snapped.

He rushed forward and lunged himself at Gally.
"Thomas no!" I scream.

But he didn't stop, he was now choking Gally and punching him.
I launched myself forward at Thomas but he quickly pushed me away and I ended up hitting my head off a wall.

Thomas beat Gally to death. He beat him-beat him as he released every inch of rage he'd ever owned.

Newt and Minho ran towards Thomas and dragged him off Gally. Thomas fought them off, squirmed, yelled to be left alone.

I crawled all the ways to Gally's lifeless body.
"No!" I shouted.
I hugged Gally's lifeless body.
"Please don't leave me Gally, please come back" I whisper to him.

"Please don't leave me Gally, please come back" I whisper to him

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I cried so hard, I wept like I'd never wept before. My great, racking sobs echoed through the room like sounds of tortured pain.

Sorry if it sucks, I suck at writing.


Thank you!

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