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All of the Gladers run outside towards the Box.
The metal cage opens.
Newt jumps down into the cage.
"It's another girl" he says.
I move forward to take a better look she looks very familiar.
She has pale skin and brown hair,she either looks dead or she's asleep.
It looks like she's holding something in her hand.
"What's in her hand?" Gally asks.
Newt takes the note and reads it "Shes the last one ever. What the hell is that suppose to mean?"
Suddenly she wakes up breathing heavily "Thomas!" she says and then falls back unconscious.
Everybody looks at Thomas.
"You still think I'm overreacting" Gally says.

Newt, Minho, Thomas and I walk into the Medjacks place to check on the girl.
The girl is still unconscious.
"Jeff what's going on why won't she wake" Newt asks.
"Hey man I got my job just the same way you did" Jeff says.
"Well do you recognise her?" Newt asks looking at Thomas.
Thomas looks at her for a moment I could see something flash across his face he was trying to remember.
"No" he says.
"Really cause she seemed to recognise you" Newt says.
"What about the note?" Thomas asks.
"We will worry about the note later."
" I think you should worry about it now."
"I've got enough to deal with right now" Newt argues back.
"I think Thomas is right the box won't go down how long do you think we can last?" Jeff asks with a worried look on his face.
"No one said anything about that let's not jump to 20 conclusions. We'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows someone's gotta have answers around here" Newt says.
"Ok" Thomas says and walks out.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Back into the Maze."
Minho goes running after him.
Newt and I both look at each other.
"I think I should go with them" I say.
"No, Bella!" Newt says grabbing onto my arm.
"Newt let go!"
"Do you think I'm gonna leave you back in their Bella, its too dangerous and I can't loose you again" he says.
I gaze into his worried brown eyes.
"If you love me Newt you will let me go."
Newt loosens his grip on my arm and pulls me closer to him.
"Your so stubborn" he says smirking and moves in closer to my face.
Newt brushes his lips against mine softly.
Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat behind I turn around to see Minho.
"Sorry to disappoint your moment lovebirds but Bella I need you to help me gather a couple of Gladers and meet us in the woods in a half 'n' hour to go into the Maze."
"I'll be right on it boss" I say saluting Minho as he runs away.
I turn back to Newt who's just smiling away to himself.
"I'll see you later" he says and gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks off back to the Medjacks area to check on Alby.


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