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I kept a steady pace as I ran with the other Gladers along the stone pathways towards section 7.

The sounds of shuffling feet echoed up the walls and the red lights of the beetle blades flashed more mechanically in the ivy- the Creators were certainly watching, listening.
We were spread out across the full width of the corridor, running at a steady but quick pace. Thomas and Minho led the way while I stayed at the back of the line with Newt, because he couldn't really run with his limp.

Thomas and Minho slowed at the corner, then stopped, Thomas held up his hand to tell us to do the same. Thomas peeked his head around the corner, a look of horror on his face.

"Is their a Griever?" I ask.
"Yeah" he replies.

"Take this Chuck, stay behind us" Minho says handing Chuck the silver key thing we found inside a Griever.

Chuck looked so frightened, he was just a kid.

"It's ok just stick with me and Bella" Teresa says.

"The doors will activate open, we stick together, we get the through this, we get out now or we die trying," Thomas says.
We all just nod our heads.
"Ready, lets go" he shouts.

We all turn the corner and right their is a Griever, we charge towards it.
We all hit the Griever with our weapons.
Minho fires his weapon straight towards the Grievers eye.
It gives a piercing scream.

I hit my stick off the Grievers leg and it suddenly hits off the silver key thing making it fall out of Chucks hand.
"The key" Chuck shouts.
The key roles out near the edge.
"Chuck watch the edge" I shout.

Chuck catches it but he's nearly falling over the edge, I run towards him and try pulling him but as I look down theirs a Griever climbing up the side of it.
"Oh no!" Chuck says.

I try to pull him up, Teresa comes long side me and helps me pull him up.
"We got you Chuck."
We eventually pull him up but that Griever is gaining on us quickly.

"Their coming, their coming" Chuck warns Thomas and the rest of the Gladers.

They look up at us, fear on their face. I turn around to look to see three more Grievers behind us. Oh Shuck!

I push Teresa and Chuck in front of me and tell them to keep going.

Suddenly out of the blue I'm being knocked to the other side of the ledge.
I slip and fall but I quickly grab onto the edge.
"Bella!" someone shouts but I can't make it out who it is.
I try to hold on as tight as I could but my fingers just kept slipping.
I was going to fall for defiant.

My fingers slipped and this time I just had to let go.
Until someone grabbed onto my hands, I looked up to see, Thomas and Newt each one of them grabbing onto one of my arms.
They pulled me up together.
"Thank you" I say.
"You can thank us later, now is not a really good time" Thomas says.
We run back to the others who are trying to fight off another Griever.

Newt passes me another weapon. I throw my weapon straight through the Grievers head knocking it right off the edge.

"Thomas the code 8 numbers!" Teresa shouts.
"Minho what's the sequence?" Thomas asks.

"Ahhh 7,1,5,2,6,4,8,3" Minho shouts.

We were all backing into the Griever Hole where Chuck and Teresa were.
The Grievers following us.
Then the doors started shutting crushing them.
Their was one Griever that would have jumped on us if Thomas hasn't thrown a spear at it.

The door shuts.
Suddenly everything went pitch dark and the floor opened swallowing us.

I'm such a shitty writer, so sorry if this chapter sucks!!


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