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"Ok guys light it up" Alby shouts.
All the boys start to light up the bonfire. All the Gladers start dancing around it. Gally starts play fighting with a couple of lads.
While I walk around helping out Frypan with the food. Suddenly Minho drags me out dancing.
Then I see Newt walk in with the Greenie. I catch a glimpse of the Greenie but he catches me looking at him. I see him and Newt sit down drinking Gally's secret recipe.

Thomas's P.O.V.
She was so beautiful while she was dancing. Newt caught me staring at her.
" I see you've taken an interest in Bella than?"
"You fancy her."
"What no!"
"Don't worry Greenie I won't tell anyone but you should know most of the guys in The Glade like her."
"Do you like her?" I ask Newt.
"Yes I do, but you should also know that she can't date any of the Gladers cause of her brother Gally he won't allow it."
"Yeah, well his an asshole."
"I know but he did save your life today, come on let me show you around the place" Newt says.

Bella's P.O.V.
After Minho and I are finished dancing I decide to go get some water.
I see the lads gathered around in a circle. I push through to see what's going on I see Gally play fighting the Greenie , oh great my brother is gonna end up beating the shit out of the Greenie.
"Not bad for a Greenie huh" he says.
Then suddenly Gally trips him and he ends up hitting his head hard off the ground.
The Greenie starts to mumble something.
"I know my name its Thomas" he says
"Thomas!" Alby shouts. All the lads start to celebrate and congratulate him.
"Congrats for figuring out your name Thomas" I say while shaking his hand.
"Thanks" he says smiling adorably.
"Do you wanna dance?"
"I can't really dance" he says.
"C'mon I'll show you " I say grabbing his hand once I grabbed it I felt something spark inside of me.
"Ok just move your feet, their you go, you got it" I say. Thomas and I dance for a while just joking around.
Gally comes up to congratulate Thomas which I'm surprised at.
Until we hear a pierce screeching roar coming from the maze.
"What was that?" Thomas asks.
"That my friend was a griever" Gally says to Thomas.

That night I couldn't sleep properly in my little shack. Why I have my own shack is because Gally and Alby thought it would be better if I had my own little private area away from guys cause you know what hormonal teenage boys are like.
Why I couldn't sleep was because I couldn't stop thinking about Thomas his only been here for like a couple of hours and I'm already attracted to him.
Suddenly I start to drift off to sleep, then I started to dream.
Weird images flashed through my mind. People in white standing all around me. A blonde woman whispering into my ear.
"Bella, Wicked is good."
Then another image flashes through my mind of me and Thomas together except we look a little younger.
"Thomas c'mon let's explore this place?"
"Bella its not safe around here!"
More images start flashing through my head of watching people drown and then the last one is of Thomas watching me drown and suddenly I wake up screaming my head off.

I sat up with a jerk trying to catch my breath. I was sweating that was no certain dream it felt more like a nightmare but it felt so real.
"Bella?, Bella its ok, its ok calm down darling" that was Newts voice.
He came in with a lantern and Alby was right behind him.
"Bells, you ok?" Alby asks with a concerned look on his face.
"It was just a really bad nightmare" I say.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Newt asks.
"No, I'd rather forget about it." But I know that this nightmare wouldn't leave my mind.
Suddenly Gally burst through the door.
"Bella, Bells you ok?" he asks.
"We will leave you talk" Newt says while walking out the door with Alby.
"So you gonna tell me what all the screaming was about Bella?" Gally asks.
"It was just a really bad nightmare Gally that's all" I say.
"I know you Bella, what was the dream about? Tell me?"
"I remember things, things that I probably shouldn't but I got these images, flashbacks and Thomas was in most of them and these people all in white and this woman whispering to me 'Wicked is good' and me watching people drown right before my eyes and the last part of the dream was that I was drowning and Thomas was just standing their watching it all happen and thats when I woke up screaming, maybe I'm crazy Gally I don't know."
Gally just stood their watching me for a moment.
"Bella I don't think your crazy I think flashbacks from your memory are starting to come back and they could turn out being the worst things you could ever imagine" Gally says and walks out leaving me in my shack all alone, and confused about his words.


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