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Third Persons P.O.V.

"What did you do?" Doctor Ava Paige shouts.

"Mrs I don't know what happened, she seems to be breaking free from her memory loss."

"Can't you do anything to stop her from remembering?" Doctor Ava Paige asks.

"No it's either make her remember or we shut her brain down for good."

"So unfortunate and what about Thomas?"

"We're giving back his memories like you said."

"Excellent, maybe we should surprise Bella by taking someone she cares about, life away," Doctor Ava Paige says with a grin. "That girl knows too much."

"Yes but who exactly Mrs?"

"Someone, she loves very dearly."


Bella's P.O.V.

"Wicked is good?"

"Bella, your work astonishes me, I'm very proud of you" a woman with blonde hair and pale skin says to me with a smile.
"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to set you up in The Maze and swipe away your memories, you understand why we have to do this right?"

"Of course Doctor Ava Paige."

"You promise me after all this is over that I can have a normal life?"

"Of course not" the blonde woman says with a smirk.

"What? You promised! I shout at her.

"Take her away!"

"Hush little baby don't you cry everything is gonna be alright" a woman softly sings.

"Mom, do I really have to leave you tomorrow?"

"Yes baby but I promise that once you've completed all of this you and Gally can come back to me."

"You promise?"

"Of course" the woman says as she kisses the top of her child's head.

"Mommy!" the child screams.

"You promised me that my daughter and son would be safe" the woman says but she looks different this time her eyes look wider and her skin is much paler theirs blood dripping from her face.

"Ma' am please step back I don't want to have to shoot you."

"But you promised, Bella, my baby listen to me you need to leave get your brother Gally and take him to the Safe Haven, Wicked is not good" the woman says, her eyes wide with fear.

"Ok that's it ma'am you've said enough" the man says and bang of a gunshot erupts my ears.


"I can't keep watching them die, Thomas, I just can't."

"I know but we'll find away out together just you and I" he says while taking my hand.

"Newtie, come and catch me" a little girl says.

"Bella slow down your too fast" a young boy says.

The laugher of the little children echoes in my head.

"Bella please don't cry."

"Gally it was awful, they killed our mommy I saw it, how could they do that to here" the little girl cries into her brothers shoulder.

"Shhh, Mommy is in a better place now, watching over us" a young Gally says.

"If you ain't scared, you ain't human."

"The number one Runner rule is 'Never Stop Running" Minhos voice echoes in my head.

"Wicked is good?"

And then I felt like I was drowning again.


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