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Minho and I bring a couple of Gladers to the woods were Thomas was waiting.
"Will this be enough?" I ask.
"Ok let's go" Thomas says.
We all jog into the Maze to find were Thomas killed the Griever.
Once we got their I could see half of a Grievers leg sticking out of the the wall and its guts everywhere.
It made me want to vomit it looked so disgusting.
"That's disgusting" Zart says.
"Wait there's something in their" Thomas says walking towards the squashed Griever.
"What you mean the size of a Griever pancake" Frypan says.
"Whoa, whoa wait what you doing?" Zart asks.
Thomas walks towards it until the leg starts moving making me jump out of my skin.
"I thought you said it was dead?" Frypan asks.
"Was it reflex?" Zart asks.
"You hope" Winston says.
"Ok on the count of three we pull it out one...two...three."
We all pull out the dead Griever leg but I end up stumbling backwards until someone catches me I look up to see Thomas's brown eyes staring at mine.
Minho just looks at us confused.
I clear my throat "Thanks" I say.
He just smiles at me and I stand on my two feet again I help Frypan up off the ground.
Minho walks over to were some of the Grievers guts are lying around on the ground.
He picks up one of the Grievers guts and pulls out something silver with goo all over it.
It looks disgusting.
"What the hell is that?" I ask.
"Interesting" Minho says.
"Ok guys can we take this back to the Glade cause I don't wanna meet this guys friends" Frypan says worryingly.
"His right it's getting late come on" Minho says.
The Gladers and I run back to the Glade.
We walk into Homestead to talk to Newt and Gally privately.
"We found this inside a Griever" Thomas says.
Newt looks at the silver thing I can see the initials W.I.C.K.E.D printed on it.
"It's the same letters we get in our supplies" Newt says.
"Yeah, whoever made this place must've also made the Grievers, this is the first real ever clue you guys have ever found in over three years right Bella and Minho?"
"Right" we both say.
"Newt we gotta go back out their and see what we're really up against."
Newt looks at Gally.
"You see what his trying to do right first he breaks our rules and now he wants us to abandoned them completely, what, you know if Alby was here he'd agree with me, this shank needs to be punished" Gally says pointing at Thomas.
Newt looks at me and then to Gally.
"Your right, Thomas does need to be punished one night in the pit with no food."
"Newt come on, one night in the pit, you think that's gonna stop him?"
"No and we just can't have non-runners going into the Maze so lets make it official, starting from tomorrow your a runner."
"Wow!"Gally says sarcastically and walks out slamming the door behind him.
I would go after Gally but I wouldn't bother him when his in a huff he has quiet a temper.
"Thanks Newt" Thomas says.
I smile at Newt and he smiles back at me.
As soon as the guys leave I run up to Newt and kiss him softly on the lips.
"I should be more in command often then" he says smiling between the kiss.
Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat "Sorry to break you lovebirds up again but Bella I need you at the map room now" Minho says.
"Ok fine Minho you can take her I'll see you in awhile" newt says pecking my lips softly.
I turn to the door to see Thomas right behind Minho looking shocked.
I can see sadness and confusion swipe across his face.


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