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Since I couldn't go running into the Maze. I decided to help Newt and Zart in the gardens.

Newt walked off to help other Gladers, while Zart handed me a shovel and told me to start picking out some weeds. I did as I was told and got to work without any complaining.

It had been about three hours of work and I had slowly started to slow down in my work, because the temperature seemed to be rising which made me sweat and pant occasionally.

I took off my top t-shirt because it was so hot, and I was left in my white tank top.
I suddenly felt eyes on me, making me turn and look around. I saw that nearly every single boy was staring at me, making me feel a little nervous and insecure. I decided to brush it off and just continue with my work.

Newts P.O.V.
I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was just so beautiful.
"Dude why are you staring at Bella like that?" Zart asks me.
"I wasn't staring."
"Yes you were."
"Just go back to doing your work" I say handing him the shovel.
Zart just chuckles away to himself.

Bella's P.O.V.

After helping out in the gardens I go help Teresa out who's helping an unconscious Alby.
"How's he doing?" I ask Teresa as I walk into the medjacks place.

"He's still unconscious, but he's mumbling stuff in his sleep."
"She makes a really good medjack" Jeff says as he walks into the room handing Teresa a cup of water.
"Thanks Jeff" Teresa says with a smile.

Suddenly Alby woke up breathing heavily. "Alby!"
"Bella get the lads" Teresa says to me.

I go out to get the boys.

Then I could hear all this shouting coming from outside in the Glade.
I go out to investigate what's going on.

"Thomas doesn't know what he has done as usual."

"Well at least I did something Gally, I mean what have you done hiding behind these walls all the time."

"Let me tell you something, Greenie, you've been here for three days, I've been here for three years."

"Yeah you've been here for three years and your still here Gally."

"Maybe you should be in charge."

"Hey" I shout. All the the boys turn to face me. "Its Alby, his awake."

"Has he said anything?" Newt asks.
"Alby are you alright?" Newts asks.
Alby just ignores Newt.

"Hey Alby, we might have just found a way out of the Maze, we might be getting out of here" Thomas says.

Alby stares at Thomas with a scared look on his face.
"We can't, we can't they won't leave us!"

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks.
"I remember" Alby replies.
"What do you remember?"
"You, you were always their favourite Thomas, you, and Bella, why did you do this, why did you come here?"

Right now everyone was staring at me and Thomas.

Suddenly Winston comes running into the Medjacks place, I could see fear and worry all over his face.
"Winston what's going on?" I ask.
"Its the doors their not closing."

Ok so what did you think of this Chapter??


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