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I lost too much, my memory, Chuck and my brother Gally. Everything was falling apart. I told everyone to leave me alone at peace with my brother. I was still holding onto Gally's limp body. I couldn't bare to look at Thomas.

Suddenly then the door burst open. Men in black armour came in holding guns in their hand. Why did they seem familiar to me.
"Go!" one of the rescuers shouted.

But I couldn't leave Gally like this or Chuck.
Some of the men in black armour took some of the Gladers out of the room out into the outside world.
"Bella we need to go" Newt says.
"I- I can't" I sob.

"Bella please you have to come with us" Newt says but then one of the men in black armour takes Newt by the arm and pulls him outside.
"Bella please!" he shouts.

I was still holding onto Gally's lifeless body until someone lifts me up and drags me away from Gally's and Chucks dead body.
"No!" I scream. "No please you have to help them!"

They dragged me outside out into a sandy deserted area and onto a black helicopter. They threw me inside it.
And Thomas not so far behind me.
I made my way over next to Newt.
Newt hugged me tightly and I just cried into his shoulder.
The main leader of the men in the black armour hopped on the helicopter with us.

"Don't worry kids everything is going to change" he says in a husky voice.

I gazed out the window of the helicopter, the area is a complete waste land, it's all sand and broken down buildings.
I didn't want to talk to anyone not even Newt I just couldn't, not what I'm after just experiencing. I could barely look at Thomas.

I kept replaying the image of Chucks and Gally's dead bodies in my head.

My mind started to drift and then I fell into a deep slumber.

This was a short chapter.


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