wine?? cake??

108 4 10


Luz: guys look we're in the 100th chapter!

Amity: what?

Hunter: luz what did i tell you about breaking the 4th wall

Luz: oops my bad

Luz: can we have cake

Luz: to celebrate a non specific event

Luz: wink wink

Hunter: sure???

Eda has come online

Eda: myu enyire worlf view has ben shattered

Raine: what why

Eda: i just found put

Eda: thst sex isn't reak

Raine: are you drunk

Eda: noi

Raine: do you need a nap

Eda: no


Eda: 🙁😕🙁😕😕😕☹️🙁😕😕😕😕

Luz: you made eda sad 😡

Raine: this is your mentor who is DRUNK!!!'

Darius: is she ever not drunk

Raine: um yes all the time

Darius: how do you know

Raine: because when she's not drunk she's a smart intellectual individual

Eda: tanks

Raine: you're welcome

Eda: j wish sec whas rela :(

Raine: it is

Eda:  realltlqy

Raine: yes

Eda: ohh my ngohz

Eda: cnN you do. Sex with me

Raine: no eda

Raine: what would you want that

Eda: becjahshe i'm babving sec with rverybkdy hwre

Raine: no you're not

Eda: ges i am

Luz: am i getting cake or not

Eda: i'm bhuying cake for everybodg hehre

Luz: yay!

Amity: i wish adults weren't gross

Alador: me too

Amity: you're an adult

Alador: gross :(

Darius: i'm the cleanest of the clean

Alador: :)

Eda: yyyyyyyyuuuuuccjkkkkkkk

Alador: you're the one said you're going to have sex with everyone

Alador: you're lucky i'm not calling the police on you

Eda: nbbitiuchhh

Alador: oh you wanna square up

Eda: fheah

Alador: meet me outside at 10 hoe

Willow: what the scallop.

Gus: luz said we were getting cake.

Mattholomule: adults fighting is better than cake

Hunter: it would be funny if it wasn't my two parents

Hunter: i mean i guess i still ahve two more

Luz: what was the plot of this story again?

Willow: what story?

Hunter: luz. you broke the 4th wall again.

Luz: oh fiddlesticks

Luz: oh right cake

Willow: what flavor

Luz: red velvet

Mattholomule: OH BET?


Mattholomule: i want red velvet cake at my wedding

Gus: me too

Luz: at least i know what to expect for cake in about 10 years

Gus: what was that? 😊

Luz: oh nothing

Alador: if i win against eda can i have cake two

Darius: bitch you said you were going to have a baking date with me what happened to that

Alador: nevermind i guess i'll have to make it myself 😒😒😒

Darius: that's what i thought

Luz: i wish i could drink legally

Raine: there's a lot of "i wishes today" and i think we should stop that.

Luz: awwwww :(((

Hunter: this cake tastes spicy

Amity: no one cares

Hunter: guys i think i'm allergic to red 40

Luz: of course you are pasty boy

Hunter: cake 🙁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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