New beginning

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September is slowly fading in the past as October breeze starts chilling the air. It was a cold morning in Eastpave city. The sun was rising on this active place. Lights of buildings slowly turning off, cars already honking loudly as people starts to rush their way in the streets.

It was a common thing to see such a tremendous amount of activities so early in the morning here in Eastpave. The city was even named the Business town due partly to the amount of international companies rising every now and then. Eastpave is quite a large city in the State with more than 20 million people living there. It's then normal that with such a demography, the state has helped building many infrastructure in various area.

Eastpave is the only city that has up to three airports and 2 ports. The economy is quite on the rise these days. Some of the quite interesting colleges are also present.
The most prestigious one, Reed Advanced Science and Arts College, RASAC for short, is a the leading college providing a high quality education and formation in the newest technology fields such as Robotics, Aircraft, spacecraft, etc. With less than 3 thousand students per year due to a highly selective entry test, it's quite the place for companies to find new recruits. One can say, Eastpave is overrated, like how could it be so great but reality is always in details. Behind this huge picture of the perfect little world, hides some shadows. Due to such a highly competitive place where only the best or wealthiest can access the best education, many young people see themselves looking for scraps. This world is the modern jungle, you eat or get eaten. In all this huge debacle of politics and social discrimination, lives a young german shepherd. Quite an interesting one, his fur was not as those of his kind, it was a bit wilder. Well that's because his father is grey wolf.

Mixed furs have been more prominent in the last 30 years. Although civilization has reached a certain point, it's still hard to completely erase some bad mindsets, yes here we talking about Speciesm. Since species only tend to reproduce with their kin, finding mixed specie was controversial, some even said abnormal. Of course it's harder to spot a mixed from two close species such as wolf and some dogs kin. Harder but not impossible, some mixed will tend to have specific traits of one of their kin but the appearance of another which of course will make them stand out.

For Wyatt, it's his fur texture, his eyes that are honey amber-ish almost golden. He looks like a normal german shepherd until you notice his wolf traits. Wyatt doesn't really care anymore about the way society looks at him. Since his traits are not quite the flashy ones, he lived without being harassed. But his family life was complicated, he lived only with his father, he had lost his mother and older brother when he was five.

His love for his dad increased to compensate the rest. Wyatt's father was working for a tech company, so he could live a decent life without much to worry. Wyatt had to apply for colleges before his graduation few months ago. And got accepted in many since he had some skills in the Arts fields. He likes drawing and writing stories, he was quite good at it. Of course his father was encouraging him to look for sciences instead but Wyatt said he liked the arts more than sciences.

When he was younger, he wanted to be a Robotic engineer and build robots he saw in movies, he used to share that dream with his brother. Back to when his brother was still alive, the latter would always tell him about some crazy stuff robots could do. His brother was 7 years older but was quite a genius so he was taking classes in higher levels. Unfortunately after the accident that cost both his life and his mother's, his brother Wyatt couldn't resolve himself to pursue that field. All those fantasies died alongside his brother. 

It hurt him a lot but he never really talked about it, after all he was too young to understand the concept of death. His interests for arts came from his needs to express his inner feelings. So, when he was applying for college, one of his applications was for the RASAC. He got accepted and had to take a tour there this month. And today was the day. Wyatt was getting ready in his room. It was not a big room but it was quite enough. Walls were white with a single black band horizontally painted on each one, forming a black square all around. It was sober yet elegant. His shelves were full of books on psychology, ways to act in society, general culture, some sciences too, and of course some comics.
Everything was quite neat and well stored here. The room also had a bathroom, quite an esthetic one, the kind you might find in good hotels. Back to his room, Wyatt was sitting on the bed side a picture in hand. He was rubbing its frame gently while looking at it with sorrow. It was an old picture of him and his family. It was a Christmas day, his brother was handing him a gift while smiling.

That gift is still something he holds dear to his heart. It was a silver pendant shaped like a moon crescent and a single star motif on it. Wyatt held that piece of time in his hand and squeeze it gently. "I'm doing it Jack (*sigh*) I miss you so much dork" he smiled as he put back the picture on the bed side shelf. He was already dressed and only had to wear his shoes before heading out. He had a casual look, a simple grey pants and a black hoodie with a comic iconic symbol in the front in shades of green. He checked again for his house keys, phone, wallet, and charger just in case and grabbed his bag as he headed out of his room. He rushed down the stairs in a flash and landed in a thud noise.

Wyatt was not thin but not bulky either, he was in-between, he was also kinda tall, about 5'10. As he made the noise, his father yelled from the kitchen "NO JUMPING IN THE STAIRS" Wyatt replied instantly as he walked in the kitchen "Sorry Dad, Morning" his father mrfed and replied "You say it everytime, if it breaks at some point, you will be fixing it...Morning Wy" his father was a 6'2 grey wolf with a slightly swole body. His eyes were honey amber-ish too and his voice was quite rocking as if he had been drinking.

He was making some breakfast, scrambled eggs and bacon with toasted bread and butter with some orange juice. He just ended when Wyatt reached the island and sat.
Wyatt saw his father had his phone turning on with a phone call, a colleague perhaps.

Wyatt: " Dad, your phone "

His father turned to him with his plate which he took and thanked him.

Father: " oh silly me, did i put it on silent mode again? " (*takes the call*)

Wyatt just chuckled as he started eating, while his father seemed to have a serious conversation about some product incident that happened the night prior and that needed check up. After a while, Wyatt was done and washed his plate and his father's cup. His father was done with his call and sighed a bit before talking

Father: " so huh, It's the freshman tour today, ain't it? You ready? "

Wyatt: " yeah i am. Dad you okay, that call did seem important, sorry i overheard"

Father: "it's fine, just some problem i need to fix when i get to work. Want me to get you to school? "

Wyatt: "nah it's still pretty early, i will go by foot, it's not that far anyway. And besides the faster you get to work the faster you will fix the problem right ? "

Father: "I guess. Okay i will be on my way. Don't forget the food is in the fridge, i might be getting home late"

He walked towards Wyatt and ruffled his head fur à bit before heading out, only the sound of keys and doors before remains the silence. Wyatt took his bag and head out as well breathing deeply beforehand.

Closing the door he got out and the sun shone bright.

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