Some laugh and some don't

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Lauren was nonchalantly walking while Wyatt was trying to make her go faster.

Wyatt: "We are about to be late, hurry"

Lauren: "man, I ain't paid for this so I am not going to run, besides there's like 2 min before the class starts and it's clear that that owl lady won't kill us if we get a min late"

Wyatt looked at her and frowned before saying "you know what" he lifted her and dropped her on his shoulder and started running to the class.

Lauren: "what the- " (*completely flabbergasted*)

Wyatt: "we will make it in time"

Wyatt was fast enough to reach the classroom just in time. The owl lady wasn't there yet. Matthew lifted his head from his phone at the sound of the door opening so abruptly and so did everyone else.

They all stared at Wyatt panting like crazy and Lauren that was asking to be put down. Wyatt let her to her feet before walking to take a sit. Lauren followed suit. They sat next to Matthew who kept their sits with his tail. He smiled while chuckling.

Matthew: "what's happening? You look like you just had a 100 meters run" (*asking Wyatt*)

Wyatt: "need...huh...breath...wait just a minute (*breathing hectic*) phew we are on time" (*looking at Lauren*)

Lauren: "what? I told you we didn't have to hurry (*getting her pc out*)"

Wyatt: "(*turning to Matthew*) This bitch is crazy, we were about to be late and she was casually walking as if she owned the world"

Matthew: "(*chuckling*) that explains you carrying her like a sack of potatoes"

Wyatt blushed in embarrassment before Lauren talked from behind.

Lauren: "and let me tell you he almost broke my neck in the stairs by jumping them as if we were in a video game"

Matthew widened his eyes a bit before smirking

Matthew: "you are stronger than I thought (*chuckling*) anyway it's cool. The lecturer will be slightly late today. Saw her discussing with the Headmaster like 10 minutes ago."

Lauren: "so you rushed me for nothing, thanks dumbass. Moreover even, next time you want to go assassin's creeds mode, do NOT take me with you, please. My body is traumatized"

Wyatt: "(*glaring*) If I kill you now no one will find your body"

Lauren: "bring it on"

Wyatt: "oh yeah you want it that bad huh"

Lauren: "(*laughing*) ew, not that deep bro"

Wyatt: "I didn't mean it like that (*blushing*) you are so dirty minded"

Lauren: "me? Oh please, you concluded it yourself."

Wyatt: "I (*blush and ears fall down*) fuck you "

Lauren: "you wish"

Wyatt gently shoved her shoulder. They laughed and Matthew couldn't help but ask.

Matthew: "you guys just met? Ain't no way, you seem like you've know each other for years"

Wyatt: "you can have her for free (*grinning while looking at Lauren*)"

Lauren: "At least someone will want me for free, can't tell that for you, bitch! "(*laughing*)

Wyatt: "You did NOT"

Lauren: "Yes I DIDDDAA" (*Grinning*)

Matthew laughed and he said

Matthew: "You guys are crazy"

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