Heck of a party I: Aphrodisiac

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Wyatt was getting quite nervous. With each incoming seconds he felt like going back home. The only thing keeping him on his track right now was Lauren tight grip on his wrist. Since they didn't have a ride, they had to call for a Furber. The driver wasn't much of a talker so it went pretty smoothly.

Once at RASAC, they could see people in the yard walking around. Some heading to the Art Facility while others got to the Tech one. With such a gathering of so many students, it was easy to feel funny. Lights coming from the rooftops was evident from ground. Lauren looked around and then back at Wyatt.

She had a somptuous slim black dress that had her back exposed from the shoulders to the base of her tail. She had some minimalistic jewelry magnifying her natural good looking aesthetic. Small earrings and silver necklace was not much but quite powerful when combined to a beauty in a black dress.
Never underestimate the power of classy accessories.

Her heels were quite high but since it was combined with her overall slender frame it was just matching nicely. Her hips didn't lie in that dress and could easily make any boy faint with a simple wave. She wasn't necessarily fund of makeup so she went for just eyeliner and a lip gloss. To say the least she was drop dead gorgeous. Wyatt was not behind at all. He had pretty casual look but it was refreshing considering he usually wears warmer clothes. He had a plain white T-shirt with a short sleeved black shirt over it. He had pair of black shorts and some sneakers. He didn't want anything he might regret getting spoiled here so he went for a simple outfit but quite good looking especially considering his natural brown coat that just goes well with black and gives some kind of sophisticated appearance to his overall being.

Lauren wanted him to wear something a bit more extravagant but he canceled every single trace of her hopes for that by advancing that people might just end up messing accidentally his clothes. She just rolled her eyes and chose this simple outfit for him. He had a golden watch on his wrist, he looked at it for a bit before speaking.

Wyatt: "15 min past 9. I think we good."

Lauren: "Bitch you bet. (*looking at a lioness passing before them heading towards the Tech facility*) Damn I like her dress"

Wyatt: "Neh yours is better"

Lauren: "Thank you (*twirling*) I am a fairy"

Wyatt: "I dare not to speak"

Lauren: "Say what now? (*crossing her arms*)"

Wyatt: "(*chuckling*) we should get to the rooftop now, shan't we?"

Lauren just sighed and grabbed Wyatt crossing their arms together as they walked towards the elevator of the Art facility. They got in with a bunch of other students they recognized as some of their classmates. It wasn't long before they reached the rooftop. It was just as beautiful as it was when they saw it the first time but maybe even more now with the entire adjustments that happened.

All the deck chairs were absent. Only the couches and some tables were still in place. Some people sitting in groups at those said couches having soft drinks on their table. Most of the people though were up grooving to the loud music. Whatever was being played right now it surely was strong enough because the people dancing were going crazy at it.

Lauren was jolting excitedly beside Wyatt who was just a bit confused at what was going on. The booth that was previously hidden and said to be restricted was open and beaming. It was transformed apparently to a mini bar offering drinks to whomsoever would want so.

Some chairs were still available at it but most people were more comfortable on the couches or next to the pool which lights were lit giving a clear vue to the water. The dome as usual was practically invisible and barely reflected some of the lights from the sides that were altering colors with the rhythm of the music. Lauren leaded Wyatt to the bar and they were greeted by a male raccoon. He had a rolled sleeves white shirt with a grey jacket and some black pants held by suspenders. The first two button of his shirt were open giving a view at his cinder grey chest fluff. His eyes had a unique dark purple hue that combined to his natural fur mask around them gave him a mysterious allure. He was just as tall as Wyatt but slightly more built. His tail was swishing behind him in rhythm. His gaze landed on the incoming duo.

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