First day III: Amazing teaching of life

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Wyatt and Lauren wandered around campus until they found the sports fields. People seemed to be training there. It was made of various disciplines fields, but only the football one seemed to be used right now. Lauren turned to look at the players and just sighed while keeping her track. Wyatt was barely focused on his surroundings, his thoughts were driven to his phone. He got another text from his father saying he will have to be absent...again.

This situation was really pissing him off. He just frowned a bit and replied with a thumbs up emoji. It was true that his father job was really important, could even be considered great to the world but...what's the point of helping people when you yourself are dying slowly. Wyatt knew if this kept up, his father might not last long.

For now he could manage to overwork but with the years, he has accumulated too much stress and fatigue on his body and mind. This is not healthy. Wyatt was thinking about getting a job so his father could retire early and rest. But he was still too inexperienced, he gritted his teeth in frustration and a low growl escaped from his muzzle getting Lauren's attention.

Lauren: "hey buddy, you okay?" (*concerned*)

Wyatt got out of his thoughts and sighed before replying.

Wyatt: "yeah It's okay...I just need some rest is all"

Lauren: "we should hurry then, the sooner you eat the more time you will have to rest before next class"

Wyatt: "...yeah"

They went silent after that and after a minute the spotted the mall. It was 3 floors building with tainted glass on the front. At the top the name of the college written with gold. Aside from the front door that seemed to be quite fancy with all this wood carvings, there wasn't much to say about the building itself. There walked in and the fresh breeze of the AC tickled their snouts.

Lauren: "so uh I read that they have a fast food chain here, hmm over there on the first floor"

Lauren pointed upwards at some place. Wyatt just followed her without saying a word. Once they reached it. It was kinda cool. It was called the "Tavern". Wyatt raised an eyebrow at the name he was reading.

Wyatt: "huh...doesn't it sound like they sell alcohol here?"

Lauren: "and? Isn't it even better if so, I mean I am totally down for a margaritas before next class"

Wyatt: (*scratching his chin*) "nah, I will pass on alcohol for now. I don't want to pass out. Just food will be enough"

Lauren: "lame."

They went in and were greeted by some nice barbecue smell. Spices and grilling meats were sending so many signals in their brain, they started drooling a bit. They went to take a sit next to a window leading outside. The view was actually nice, they could see the town. The busy traffic, the many people walking down streets. Yet no noise from the outside. After just a minute, someone approached their table.

It was a waitress, a sheep with white cotton candy fur and gorgeous pink eyes. She was wearing a plain blue dress shirt mounted by a black jacket with black pants. A badge on her uniform made clear of her name "Suzanne". As she took out her pen to write down the orders, she smiled and her tiny voice went out

Suzanne: "Welcome at the Tavern, what would be your orders?"

Lauren and Wyatt got through the menu and Lauren was the first to speak.

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