Doubt I: The fall soaked

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Pr. Vinogradova: "Alright, two rows and you will step forth, take your snacks and soda and get in quietly please"

Students then made rows and proceeded to enter by pair of two. Lauren got on a different row than Wyatt and Matthew. They were at the end of their respective row. Matthew was behind Wyatt and Lauren beside the latter. Students were entering and it was a bit long since they had to choose their snacks and soda.

A loud shout made people look out, one of the students in the front stepped accidentally on the tail of a male puma and the latter accidentally pushed him backwards in reflex. It created a succession of people stumbling on the one behind them. Wyatt got shoved in the chest by the head of the guy infront of him and fell backwards on Matthew whose body didn't even flinch. Wyatt got literally on airbags of muscles, Matthew's chest. Matthew caught Wyatt in his arms worried.

Matthew: "whoa hey there buddy, you good ?"

Wyatt lifted his chin to look upwards to look at Matthew's face. An intense blush got through his face as his body was literally pressed on Matthew's chest and...his butt pressing on something big and soft.

Wyatt immediately got off and panicked while trying to say sorry. His hands moving rapidly in confusion.

Wyatt: "Sorry sorry sorry sorry" (*ears down*)

Matthew: "(*tilted his head*) you okay? It's fine, you fell It's nothing bad"

Wyatt: "(*blush*) s-sorry"

Pr. Vinogradova literally laughed while saying "falling like dominoes" she literally laughed and shed a tear while getting in the theater but said before entering "please, hurry we do not have time" (*chuckling*)

Students started to get up and entered while taking what they had to. Lauren whose line kept moving was already in. Meanwhile Wyatt and Matthew were the last ones to get to the reception to get their snacks and soda. Wyatt took some barbecue chips and a coke, while Matthew went for popcorn and a large soda cup.

They got in and spotted Lauren somewhere behind. She had let empty sits beside her next to the wall. They got past her and sat next to the wall. The lights then turned off and the projection started. Lauren nudged Wyatt and whispered "hey, what took you so long?"

Wyatt: "there was an incident, students fell in our row"

Lauren couldn't see in the dark how Wyatt's blushed rethinking about what happened.

Lauren: "you guys are dumb" (*turning to look at the screen*)

Wyatt readjusted himself in his sit and looked there as well. Meanwhile Matthew was trying to get comfortable, thankfully the sits here do take in consideration people that have tails. There is a part of the sits that can be removed and folded to the side to let tails pass through. Quite handy there. Matthew got comfortable and just then a movie started.

According to what Pr. Vinogradova was telling her students on their way there, it was a movie realized by students some years ago. It was about a young orphan that grew in a church around the 17th century. One day as he was supposed to deal with a canvas of the painter that adopted him, he decided to take the paints and draw. His adoptive father will later on find him sleeping next to a painting that almost made him fall backwards in disbelief. At first the old man couldn't believe it but it seemed that the kid made a Fresco. The greed got into him and he made the kid draw more and more to sell it on his own name. A young woman will find the kid years later when he was already a young man and she will help him get off the grip of his abusive father.

It's a drama, romantic movie but mostly educative as it was inspired by the story of a famous French painter that made "Les étoiles de ton sourire" the biggest Fresco ever made and preserved in the Louvre, a french museum.

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