First Day I : The joy of waking up early

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Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

Beep be- SLAM!!
Wyatt was shifting in the bed in slight annoyance. It was 6 in the morning. But it was no ordinary day. Today was his first day of class at RASAC. The past days after the tour have been quite lame, he was mostly trying to figure out his courses throughout this upcoming year. His father was still out, he has come back the day prior completely exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. Wyatt covered him with a blanket and removed his shoes. It was really saddening him to see his father in this state.

The poor man had to work extra hours and overnight for 3 days in a row. He was completely out of all strength. Wyatt was intrigued by the means his father used to get back home while being this tired. The fact that his car was not on the alleyway meant that he was probably with one of his coworkers.
Wyatt didn’t think much of it and just stared blankly at the ceiling. The golden rays gradually piercing through the curtains, slowly adding some light in the room. The white walls enhanced the reflection of light and the room seemed already brighter. Wyatt looked at the time, 6:05 AM. He sighed and got up. His fur was a total mess and his face looked spent.

He yawned and stretched a bit. He walked past the desk and scratched his left ear as he went in the bathroom. He reached for the sink and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had eye bags and he noticed something else. The roots of his fur started changing color, it went from brown to jet black. Wyatt paused and inspected it, it seemed to have only affected his chest for now. He decided to shrug it off for now,  he brushed his teeth and entered the shower. The cold water dripping woke him up earning a slight yelp from him.

After showering for a while now, he went out and grabbed a towel, dried himself and got out the bathroom. He walked towards his closet and looked for something to put on. It was the first day of class but he didn’t feel like going all too serious either. He took a black buttoned shirt and some navy blue pants, as long as black belt with a golden lock. He started dressing and decide to fold upwards his sleeves to expose his forearms and unbuttoned the first buttons  of his shirt. He took his backpack and his computer as well. He pocketed his phone and went downstairs. He got in the living room and saw his father was still sleeping.
He dropped his bag on the side of the couch and went for the kitchen. He made himself some cornflakes and ate while checking his phone. No new notifications aside from the games updates and random news. He put it down and kept eating. When he was done, he cleaned the bowl. He checked the time, 7:01 AM. He then went back to the living room and grabbed his bag. He figured his father would probably be sleeping till noon to say the least. So he didn’t want to cook anything as it will not be edible by the moment his father would wake up. He looked at his father and replaced correctly the blanket that was falling to the side. He then grabbed his keys and took off the house.

As he closed the door behind him. A car was pulling over , he turned back to see it was his father’s. He walked towards it, and saw a male lynx coming out. It was his father assistant. The lynx greeted Wyatt and explained he was the one that helped his father get home and he just got back to the office to take his car to bring it back. Wyatt was thankful and took the car keys. The lynx then called a a car to pick him up and went away. Wyatt got back inside and put the car keys on the table in the living room next to the remote. His father’s snores made him chuckle as he went back outside. He checked the time, 7:17 AM. He had to hurry up.

As he was walking past the neighborhood, he received a notification, he took out his phone. It was a text from Lauren “Hey buddy, where you at? Can’t leave me alone with the lame guys” he chuckled and replied “on my way, just went out. U already there?” after a minute she replied “nope, but I m heading out as well" he then just sent a sticker and pocketed his phone.

He accelerated his pace and after less than 10 min he was at the Suntaste Café. He texted Lauren to ask if she wanted anything to which she gave her order. He proceeded to order some coffee and croissants. Then he went out and walked towards RASAC. Once there, he saw people entering with cars, some with bikes and some were even flying in the sky. He walked in and saw Lauren next to the Art facility. She had her earbuds in, and her face was down her phone. Wyatt got to her and she smiled as she removed one of her buds.
Lauren: “You good? “

Wyatt: “yes, here, your order Ma’am”

She took it and thanked him.

Lauren: “so what’s our first class?” (*while sipping her coffee*)

Wyatt: “you didn’t read the program, did you?”

Lauren: “nah I didn’t , I do not have the emotional energy to deal with those kind of things “

Wyatt: (*chuckle*) “I wonder how you survived so long with all this laziness”

Lauren: “first of all I ain’t lazy, the world is just moving a lot for no reason and secondly, I am smart so it doesn’t matter“
Wyatt: “yeah sure. Anyway, we have Linear structure fundamentals now, and Art History in the afternoon”

Lauren: “Seems like I am already tired ” (*faking cries*)

Wyatt: “(*sigh*) dude, it’s the first day" (*chuckle*)

Lauren: “That’s exactly why I am sad, shouldn’t it be welcoming instead” (*frowning*)

Wyatt: “This school is elite, you can’t ask for good things and make no efforts” (*shrugging*)

Lauren: “Boring" (*sighing while walking*)
They started walking according to the map they received and found their class. They went in to meet a bunch of other new students, some were chattering, others were either reading or on their phone or computers. Wyatt paused at the entrance, the door frame got his attention.  There were some carvings around the door frame that looked like symbols. As if the door was actually a portal to another world, a world of fantasy and fun.

He chuckled at the idea and followed Lauren that wanted to sit next to the window. She found some free sits next to each other and sat. Wyatt sat just beside her.

Wyatt checked the time and saw 7:56AM. The lecturer will soon be there. As they waited for the lecturer, another student went in. It was  a lion, tall with quite the look, he was framed like a football player. His mane was black with shades of red inwards. He spotted the sit empty just behind Wyatt and walked towards it. The closer he got the more intimidating he seemed. He was not smiling but not frowning he was just neutral.

As he passed next to Wyatt he glanced up a bit at him and had enough time to look at his badge for a name “Alex Reth”

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